20 Easy Raspberry Pi Projects book is a beginner-friendly collection of electronics projects using the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is a tiny and affordable computer, for beginners looking to make cool things right away. Projects are explained with full-color visuals and simple step-by-step instructions.
You can find the book in most online stores: Amazon.com, No Starch Press, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.es, or any other book store. *
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20 Projects in a High-Quality Paperback
The “20 Easy Raspberry Pi Projects” book is a beautifully designed compilation of 20 projects with the Raspberry Pi. We couldn’t be more happier with the final result. The book looks great! It was reviewed and laid out by professional editors, and printed in high quality paper in full color! Even the code is highlighted with vivid colors to make it easier to follow along.

If you like our tutorials and courses, you’ll certainly like this book. We’ve used the same approach we use in our projects: clear step by step instructions, with schematics, code, and code explanations.

Not Just Another Raspberry Pi Book…
Many Raspberry Pi Projects books lack the instructions required to build a functional project. That’s not the case with our book! Each project contains detailed step by step instructions that anyone can follow. You won’t get lost and you’ll be able to build the projects yourself.

This is a compilation of interesting projects with real world applications. You’ll build a home surveillance system, a smoke detector, learn how to control lamps remotely, build your own game, and much more. (Yes, these projects are suitable for beginners)
Note: the book is fully tested and compatible with all 40 pins Raspberry Pi boards (including the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ board) and the latest Raspbian OS release.
Table Of Contents
View the detailed Table Of Contents and download the code on GitHub.
Download Project 13: Burglar Detector with Photo Capture
Primer: Introduction
Getting Started
Setting Your Pi as a Desktop Computer
Getting Started with Programming
Part 1: LEDs
Project 1: Blinking an LED
Project 2: Pushbutton LED Flashlight
Project 3: Dimmer Switch
Project 4: User Interface for a Multicolor LED
Project 5: Rainbow Light Strip
Part 2: Displays
Project 6: An LCD Reminder
Project 7: Mini Weather Forecaster
Project 8: Pong with a SenseHAT
Project 9: All-in-one Weather Sensor Station
Part 3: Sensors
Project 10: Intruder Alarm with Email Notifications
Project 11: Gas and Smoke Alarm
Project 12: Temperature and Humidity Data Logger
Part 4: Cameras
Project 13: Burglar Detector with Photo Capture
Project 14: Home Surveillance Camera
Part 5: Web Applications
Project 15: Building Your First Website
Project 16: Connecting Your Electronics to the Web
Project 17: Internet of Things Control Center with Node-RED
Part 6: Playing
Project 18: Digital Drum Set
Project 19: Make a Game in Scratch: Hungry Monkey
Project 20: Wi-Fi Remote-Controlled Robot
Appendix A: Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin Guide
Appendix B: Decoding Resistor Values
About the Authors
Hey there, I’m Rui Santos, founder of the Random Nerd Tutorials blog. For the last one year and a half I’ve been working on the “20 Easy Raspberry Pi Projects” book. My aim with this book is to get everyone interested in computing, programming and electronics by building cool projects with the Raspberry Pi.
This is a true projects book: we show you step by step how to build the projects and explain all the building process including Python scripts, Linux commands, etc… In the end, you’ll be able to apply the concepts learned throughout the course to give life to your own project ideas.
Rui Santos
Hi! I’m Sara and I’ve worked with Rui in the writing and production of this amazing book. Many people associate the Raspberry Pi as something difficult to work with. But it isn’t! This book shows you how easy it is to create interesting projects with the Pi by covering a lot of different subjects.
This is not all about the projects, but the skills you acquire in programming and electronics that will enable you to build all kinds of applications on your own. I really enjoyed putting together these 20 projects for the Raspberry Pi. I hope you enjoy them too.
Sara Santos
20 Easy Raspberry Pi Projects book is a beginner-friendly collection of electronics projects using the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is a tiny and affordable computer, for beginners looking to make cool things right away. Projects are explained with full-color visuals and simple step-by-step instructions.
You can find the book in most online stores: Amazon.com, No Starch Press, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.es, or any other book store. *
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