ESP32: Migrating from version 2.x to 3.0 (Arduino IDE)
Recently the ESP-IDF has been updated and with this new major version, there are some breaking changes in the API. In this guide, you’ll learn about all changes in the …
Recently the ESP-IDF has been updated and with this new major version, there are some breaking changes in the API. In this guide, you’ll learn about all changes in the …
In this guide, we’ll take a look at the ESP32 Cheap Yellow Display Pinout. We’ll see which pins are used to control the display, touchscreen, and microSD card, and which …
In this guide, you’ll get started with the LVGL (Light and Versatile Graphics Library) using a TFT LCD Touchscreen Display wired to an ESP32 board. The LVGL is a popular …
In this guide, you’ll get started with the LVGL (Light and Versatile Graphics Library) with the ESP32 CYD (Cheap Yellow Display ESP32-2432S028R). The LVGL is a popular free and open-source …
In this guide, you’ll learn how to control hobby servo motors with the Raspberry Pi Pico programmed with MicroPython. Servo motors can be controlled using PWM signals to move with …
In this guide, you’ll learn how to control a stepper motor with the Raspberry Pi Pico. We’ll use the 28BYJ-48 unipolar stepper motor with the ULN2003 motor driver. You’ll learn …
Learn how to control a DC Motor speed and direction using the L298N motor driver with the Raspberry Pi Pico programmed with MicroPython. DC motors are popular in electronics for …
This guide will get you started quickly with InfluxDB using the ESP8266 board. InfluxDB is an open-source time series database (TSDB). So, it is ideal to store sensor data with …
In this guide, we’ll build an ESP32 datalogger that also hosts a web server so that you can access and download the data remotely. The ESP32 will log data to …
This guide will get you started quickly with InfluxDB using the ESP32 board. InfluxDB is an open-source time series database (TSDB). It’s ideal to store sensor data with timestamps over …
In this guide, you’ll learn how to send BME280 sensor readings to InfluxDB using the ESP32 or ESP8266 boards. InfluxDB is a time series database. Each record on the database …
In this guide, you’ll learn how to set up a video streaming web server with a Raspberry Pi and a camera using a simple script with the Picamera2 library. You’ll …
This guide is an introduction to the Picamera2 Python library for the Raspberry Pi board. It covers how to install Picamera2, take photos, and record video to an .mp4 file. …
In this guide, you’ll learn how to upload files to the ESP32 LittleFS Filesystem using Arduino IDE 2 (2.2.1 or a higher version). We’ll install an uploader plugin that will …