This is just a quick blog post explaining how you can install the latest version of Node.js in your Raspberry Pi.
It’s really easy and you can install Node.js with two simple commands in your terminal. Since I’ve spent a lot of time searching for the easiest way of installing the latest version, I’ve decided to share how to do it.
1) Setting Up Your Raspberry Pi
First you must be running the latest version of Raspbian in your RPi, If you don’t know how to prepare your Pi, you can read here my Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Guide.
2) Installing Node.js in Your RPi
Having an Internet connection established to your Raspberry Pi open your terminal window. Type the following commands:
wget sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb
3) Checking Your Node.js Installation
Now to ensure that your Raspberry Pi has Node.js installed type the following command:
node -v
The preceding command should prompt you with the version of Node.js. And that’s it!
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Hi…i bought your e book Smart Home Raspberry Pi ESP32/8266 and im having problems to update the latest version of nodejs. the command on step 2 isnt working. can you help please?
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