This post shows you how to detect colors with the Arduino using the TCS230/TCS3200 color sensor.
The TCS3200 color sensor can detect a wide variety of colors based on their wavelength. This sensor is specially useful for color recognition projects such as color matching, color sorting, test strip reading and much more.
The TCS3200 color sensor – shown in the figure below – uses a TAOS TCS3200 RGB sensor chip to detect color. It also contains four white LEDs that light up the object in front of it.
Here’s the sensor specifications:
- Power: 2.7V to 5.5V
- Size: 28.4 x 28.4mm (1.12 x 1.12″)
- Interface: digital TTL
- High-resolution conversion of light intensity to frequency
- Programmable color and full-scale output frequency
- Communicates directly to microcontroller
Where to buy?
You can check the TCS3200 or a TCS230 color sensor on Maker Advisor and find the best price.
How does the TCS3200 sensor work?
The TCS3200 has an array of photodiodes with 4 different filters. A photodiode is simply a semiconductor device that converts light into current. The sensor has:
- 16 photodiodes with red filter – sensitive to red wavelength
- 16 photodiodes with green filter – sensitive to green wavelength
- 16 photodiodes with blue filter – sensitive to blue wavelength
- 16 photodiodes without filter
If you take a closer look at the TCS3200 chip you can see the different filters.
By selectively choosing the photodiode filter’s readings, you’re able to detect the intensity of the different colors. The sensor has a current-to-frequency converter that converts the photodiodes’ readings into a square wave with a frequency that is proportional to the light intensity of the chosen color. This frequency is then, read by the Arduino – this is shown in the figure below.
Here’s the sensor pinout:
Pin Name | I/O | Description |
GND (4) | Power supply ground | |
OE (3) | I | Enable for output frequency (active low) |
OUT (6) | O | Output frequency |
S0, S1(1,2) | I | Output frequency scaling selection inputs |
S2, S3(7,8) | I | Photodiode type selection inputs |
VDD(5) | Voltage supply |
Filter selection
To select the color read by the photodiode, you use the control pins S2 and S3. As the photodiodes are connected in parallel, setting the S2 and S3 LOW and HIGH in different combinations allows you to select different photodidodes. Take a look at the table below:
Photodiode type | S2 | S3 |
Red | LOW | LOW |
Blue | LOW | HIGH |
No filter (clear) | HIGH | LOW |
Green | HIGH | HIGH |
Frequency scaling
Pins S0 and S1 are used for scaling the output frequency. It can be scaled to the following preset values: 100%, 20% or 2%. Scaling the output frequency is useful to optimize the sensor readings for various frequency counters or microcontrollers. Take a look at the table below:
Output frequency scaling | S0 | S1 |
Power down | L | L |
2% | L | H |
20% | H | L |
100% | H | H |
For the Arduino, it is common to use a frequency scaling of 20%. So, you set the S0 pin to HIGH and the S1 pin to LOW.
Color Sensing with Arduino and TCSP3200
In this example you’re going to detect colors with the Arduino and the TCSP3200 color sensor. This sensor is not very accurate, but works fine for detecting colors in simple projects.
Parts required
Here’s the parts required for this project:
You can use the preceding links or go directly to to find all the parts for your projects at the best price!
Wiring the TCSP3200 sensor to your Arduino is pretty straightforward. Simply follow the next schematic diagram.
Here’s the connections between the TCSP3200 and the Arduino:
- S0: digital pin 4
- S1: digital pin 5
- VCC: 5V
- S3: digital pin 6
- S4: digital pin 7
- OUT: digital pin 8
You need two sketches for this project:
- Reading and displaying the output frequency on the serial monitor. In this part you need to write down the frequency values when you place different colors in front of the sensor.
- Distinguish between different colors. In this section you’ll insert the frequency values picked previously on your code, so that your sensor can distinguish between different colors. We’ll detect red, green and blue colors.
1. Reading the output frequency
Upload the following code to your Arduino board.
Rui Santos
Complete project details at
// TCS230 or TCS3200 pins wiring to Arduino
#define S0 4
#define S1 5
#define S2 6
#define S3 7
#define sensorOut 8
// Stores frequency read by the photodiodes
int redFrequency = 0;
int greenFrequency = 0;
int blueFrequency = 0;
void setup() {
// Setting the outputs
pinMode(S0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S3, OUTPUT);
// Setting the sensorOut as an input
pinMode(sensorOut, INPUT);
// Setting frequency scaling to 20%
// Begins serial communication
void loop() {
// Setting RED (R) filtered photodiodes to be read
// Reading the output frequency
redFrequency = pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);
// Printing the RED (R) value
Serial.print("R = ");
// Setting GREEN (G) filtered photodiodes to be read
// Reading the output frequency
greenFrequency = pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);
// Printing the GREEN (G) value
Serial.print(" G = ");
// Setting BLUE (B) filtered photodiodes to be read
// Reading the output frequency
blueFrequency = pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);
// Printing the BLUE (B) value
Serial.print(" B = ");
Open the serial monitor at a baud rate of 9600.
Place a blue object in front of the sensor at different distances. You should save two measurements: when the object is placed far from the sensor and when the object is close to it.
Check the values displayed on the serial monitor. The blue frequency (B) should be the lowest compared to the red (R) and green (G) frequency readings – see figure below.
When we place the blue object in front of the sensor, the blue frequency (B) values oscillate between 59 and 223 (see highlighted values).
Note: you can’t use these frequency values (59 and 223) in your code, you should measure the colors for your specific object with your own color sensor. Then, save your upper and bottom frequency limits for the blue color, because you’ll need them later.
Repeat this process with a green and red objects and write down the upper and bottom frequency limits for each color.
2. Distinguish between different colors
This next sketch maps the frequency values to RGB values (that are between 0 and 255).
In the previous step when we have maximum blue we obtained a frequency of 59 and when we have blue at a higher distance we obtained 223.
So, 59 in frequency corresponds to 255 (in RGB) and 223 in frequency to 0 (in RGB). We’ll do this with the Arduino map() function. In the map() function you need to replace XX parameters with your own values.
Rui Santos
Complete project details at
// TCS230 or TCS3200 pins wiring to Arduino
#define S0 4
#define S1 5
#define S2 6
#define S3 7
#define sensorOut 8
// Stores frequency read by the photodiodes
int redFrequency = 0;
int greenFrequency = 0;
int blueFrequency = 0;
// Stores the red. green and blue colors
int redColor = 0;
int greenColor = 0;
int blueColor = 0;
void setup() {
// Setting the outputs
pinMode(S0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S3, OUTPUT);
// Setting the sensorOut as an input
pinMode(sensorOut, INPUT);
// Setting frequency scaling to 20%
// Begins serial communication
void loop() {
// Setting RED (R) filtered photodiodes to be read
// Reading the output frequency
redFrequency = pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);
// Remaping the value of the RED (R) frequency from 0 to 255
// You must replace with your own values. Here's an example:
// redColor = map(redFrequency, 70, 120, 255,0);
redColor = map(redFrequency, XX, XX, 255,0);
// Printing the RED (R) value
Serial.print("R = ");
// Setting GREEN (G) filtered photodiodes to be read
// Reading the output frequency
greenFrequency = pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);
// Remaping the value of the GREEN (G) frequency from 0 to 255
// You must replace with your own values. Here's an example:
// greenColor = map(greenFrequency, 100, 199, 255, 0);
greenColor = map(greenFrequency, XX, XX, 255, 0);
// Printing the GREEN (G) value
Serial.print(" G = ");
// Setting BLUE (B) filtered photodiodes to be read
// Reading the output frequency
blueFrequency = pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);
// Remaping the value of the BLUE (B) frequency from 0 to 255
// You must replace with your own values. Here's an example:
// blueColor = map(blueFrequency, 38, 84, 255, 0);
blueColor = map(blueFrequency, XX, XX, 255, 0);
// Printing the BLUE (B) value
Serial.print(" B = ");
// Checks the current detected color and prints
// a message in the serial monitor
if(redColor > greenColor && redColor > blueColor){
Serial.println(" - RED detected!");
if(greenColor > redColor && greenColor > blueColor){
Serial.println(" - GREEN detected!");
if(blueColor > redColor && blueColor > greenColor){
Serial.println(" - BLUE detected!");
To distinguish between different colors we have three conditions:
- When the R is the maximum value (in RGB parameters) we know we have a red object
- When G is the maximum value, we know we have a green object
- When B is the maximum value, we know we have a blue object
Now, place something in front of the sensor. It should print in your serial monitor the color detected: red, green or blue.
Tip: your sensor can also detect other colors with more if statements.
Wrapping up
In this post you’ve learned how to detect colors with the TCSP3200 color sensor.
You can easily build a color sorting machine by simply adding a servo motor.
Do you have project ideas related to color sorting?
Let us know by posting a comment below.
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Thanks for reading,
Rui and Sara
Wonderful …
Thank u so much … ?
You’re welcome!
Thanks for reading
Do you have any idea on how to control relays based on the output of the TCS230?
Hi Damian.
You need to add a condition that checks colors, and does something when that condition is met.
For example, if you to trigger the relay when the sensor detects blue, you need to check what are the R, G and B parameters ranges for the blue color. Then, add a condition to control the relay on or off.
We have a tutorial on how to use the relay module with the Arduino.
Hope this is useful.
Hey, I’ve tried this tutorial. Doing exactly how you say it so. The problem is now that the sensor gives a high blue value when reading a green object. Do you know of any way to help me with this?
Hi Duncan.
This sensor is a little tricky to use.
The values obtained may vary depending on the light intensity on the object and how far the sensor is from the object.
Try reading the color values in different orientations and with different light intensities.
Hi, thanks for this tutorias, has been very usefull.
I have a question, i like if someone can helpme before buy a sensor. is possible with it detect other colors? example yellow, brown, purple, orange etc. just making a interpotalion between RGB values, or shoud i use some other sensor?
Hi Rob.
The sensor can detect any color.It outputs different results depending on the color you put in front of it.
You then, have to assign the output values to the given color. So, in answer to your question: yes, it can detect other colors.
However, I should warn you that the sensor is a bit tricky to use, as the results vary depending on the light intensity and the distance to the object.
how to detect. i am not getting it how to detect brown color. RGB(150, 75, 0)
Could you post the code for adding extra colours to this? For example I’m trying to detect yellow but cannot get it to work, I’m a bit of a beginner to coding but I can get the RGB sensing working, just not working with RGB and yellow.
You need to use the first code to get values with yellow. Try several times in order to have significant data for that color.
Then, you need to see the relationship between the R, G, and B values when you measure the yellow color, and add that logic to the second code.
We haven’t tested checking for yellow.
Take a look at the code of this project that checks for yellow, and see if you can sort it out:
I hope this helps.
I want to know whether this tcs3200 color sensor module is compatible with ARM processor?
Hi. Yes, it should probably work.
If you are programming it in a high level language, you may be able to adapt this code to make it work for you.
Actually what’s the output of tcs3200? How can I find out the detected color from the frequency output? How to measure the frequency output? I think it is in the form of square pulses. Then how will I obtain the frequency?
Second code give this error. First code compiles well btw. Help?
C:\Users\aa\Documents\Arduino\color3\color3.ino: In function ‘void loop()’:
color3:51: error: ‘XX’ was not declared in this scope
redColor = map(redFrequency, XX, XX, 255,0);
exit status 1
‘XX’ was not declared in this scope
You need to replace the XX with your own values. That’s why the code is getting error.
I hope this helps 🙂
Thank you, I have made this experiment. May I copypaste your code and part of this webpage and write it on my USB for archiving my project?
You can use the content of this project if it is for personal uses only.
You cannot distribute this content online.
You can use part of the content as long as you give credit to our blog.
Thanks 🙂
Thank for you tutorial.
This so help me ☺
Thanks. You’re welcome 🙂
How to make a Maze solving,color detection,payload unloading and payload unloading car with arduino
Hello… I don’t have any tutorials on that exact subject and I don’t think this sensor will be accurate enough for such application…
is it possible to calculate the percentage of nitrate, potassium and phosphorous in soil by bringing a color change in those compounds using some chemicals
I don’t think this sensor is accurate enough for what you intend to do.
you mention not accurate, is it mean we can estimate the concentration by color differences. tq
I’m curious if i could build this with to read as panthones 🙂
Hi Vasco.
The temperature sensor can read any color.
Each color results in different output readings in the red, green, and blue frequency.
You’ll be able to identify any color if you properly calibrate the sensor for each specific color accordingly to the red, green, and blue frequencies.
Sara 🙂
Can I use this sensor in detecting skin color?
Hi Daryl.
I’ve never tested that 😐
this is great work! Before I go and buy this sensor, may I ask two questions…
1) Can you tell how long (time) the sensor has to have/”see” the object in front of itself in order to recognize the colour resp. to return values in the expected range (that has been calibrated in the first step)?
I would like to use it but it has to be very fast (0.2 sec or maybe even a bit less)
2) If it should be too slow do you know / could you recommend a certain type of sensor that is able to detect very fast 8and that works with arduino)?
Thanks a lot!
You don’t need to wait to get the measurements.
It gives instantaneous readings but they fluctuate a bit.
However, it needs some calibration and you need to have it in a controlled environment, because, for example the same “yellow” will give you different results depending on the light on its surroundings.
Sara 🙂
Can anyone tell me how can i increase the range of tcs3200?
What do you mean by “increase the range”?
Many Thanks, muchas gracias, muy muy interesante
can it sense color of moving objects
I don’t think this sensor is appropriate for that.
But you can try it and see what you get.
compiler says xx not declared
You need to replace XX with your own values.
Please read the full tutorial to understand how to get those values.
Hi! Can I just say, you guys (Sara and Rui) are my heroes. This is like the 8th tutorial I use from you. Keep it up!
Thanks a lot! I’m happy that you find our tutorials interesting 😀
how to interface tcs2300 to plc any idea?? if any idea help me out
I’m sorry, but we don’t have any tutorials about PLC.
I have a monitor displaying a 2cmx2cm box. This box change color.
I need to build a circuit that I can attach to the screen of that monitor so that the circuit can alert me when the box change color.
Do you think these sensors on this article can do that job? I was told that since the source of the color is a computer monitor, not all sensors would work.
(just in case you are wondering.. the detection has to be done with a external circuit. I cannot install a software the machine to alert me when the box change color)
Thanks in advance
Hi Mark.
This sensor gives some inconsistent results.
So, I don’t recommend.
you can use other color sensors for good results. its totally on prices. I dont recommend to low price sensor for users.
Hi Adnan jamil
Could you happen to recommend good-quality color sensor even though high price?
What output can be changed to the unity of the TCU?
Hi, can it detect color of water? I need it for aquaculture project. Or do you recommend other sensor which suit this purpose?
In my opinion, this sensor is very tricky to get it working in a reasonable way.
So, I would recommend another sensor.
I made a project to read the colors a green red blue
But this sensor gives different values on the same color, although the external environment remains constant
Despite my efforts, I was unable to calibrate this sensor
Thank you
Hi! I have a project in mind which may include this sensor, but before I buy it, I’d like to ask you a question. Can a video be triggered based on the color the sensor detects?
Long ago I bought an OSEPP-COLOR-01 board. It uses the Taos TCS3200 chip.
The board was breadboard unfriendly with 8 connection pins on the top side. I re-soldered header pins on the bottom, with a slight angle so the module could plug into a standard size breadboard on the two outermost rows. I put flat wiring on my STEMTera board so the module would lay flat over that wiring on the breadboard.
The OSEPP had no collar around the sensor so I added a cardboard strip with a small hole cut out for the sensor. This strip acts as an insulator so I can lay a tiny metal rechargeable flashlight on it, to detect the change from charging (red) to charged (green). It fits nicely between the 4 illumination LEDs.
In using your code the values measured by the pulseIn command were still fairly jumpy. This was solved by two things: 1. Taking 50 measurements for each color and dividing by 50 (using longs for the totals) and 2. putting a small cardboard box over the whole thing when measuring.
Now the values returned seem very consistent, at any scaling. Values per color vary by approximately 2-4. I would send pictures of the STEMTera but do not know how to include them here.
thank you for the code to get me going.
Thanks for sharing your feedback.
To share a picture, you can upload it to imgur, for example and then share a link to the picture.
Picture of modified OSEPP color sensor on STEMTera breadboard with cardboard insulator
Picture of repaired Oolight being charged, laying on sensor to detect time from starting charge with its LED lit red to fully charged with its LED lit green
Thanks for sharing 😀
Thanks Sara for telling me about imgur. With my code modifications to Rui’s code I was able to consistently tell the flashlight charged up in about 90 minutes.
I found the damaged flashlight out on a walk but have now resurrected it. A HOBO data logger determines that it has a very bright white LED lasting about 5 hours. An “eyeball” test showed it gave useful light, walking around my darkened house and not stepping on my new kitten.
Sacked out kitten
I have been looking around and so far this is the only tutorial I could find that clearly lays out the calibration and mapping process. Thanks so much!
Hello, may I ask the distance and beam angle of the color sensor? We need an answer for our research study.. thank you
hello can i ask about the colour shorting you told if i need out as different colour for different output pin then what should i do
The Ratio of colors is more suited for detecting colour.
So It doesn’t matter what the absolute brightness of the colour is:
Blue / (Blue + Red + Green) = 0.1
This is probably what the ‘White’ reading is for:
Blue / White = 0.1
i.f ” If Blue ratio < 0.2 then object is blue”
hey ! i want to use this sensor in detection of gold color in wine does this can work?
Where and how are you importing the r, g, b values of your colors?
Do you think this would be efficient in detecting IR wavelengths around 940 nm?