19 Awesome Robots You Can Build With an Arduino

With an Arduino it is possible to do almost every imaginable project. This time I put together a list of 19 different robots built with an Arduino. Some of them are really straightforward, others are a bit advanced. So, let’s start:

1. Cat Laser Entertainer Robot

cat laser robot

Endless fun for your cat. Entertain your cat with this laser robot. It is very cheap and easy to build, only requires two servos, a laser, and an Arduino. Try it out with your cat. Know how to do it here.

2. Chess Playing Robot

This chess playing robot is designed in such a way that it can reach all the 64 blocks. The game starts with the player’s move, and then the sensors are be affected by that move. Finally, the controller will determine the player movement and tells the robot where to move – read here.

3. Tree Climbing Robot


A robot that climbs trees. This project is a big piece of engineering. If you want to try or want to be inspired to do other related projects, feel free to take a look at this project.

4. Bubble Machine


This automatic bubble machine promises to delight both kids and grown-ups. Also, with this machine, there will be endless fun for your cat. See the details to build this project here.

5. Drawing Robot


This robot was built inspired in mandala drawings. Do your own piece of art using this type of robot. Know more on how to build it here.

6. Bipedal Humanoid Robot


Besides being simple, this bipedal robot only requires four micro servo motors, an Arduino and a breadboard. You can easily add sensors and other parts to make your robot more cool and complex. Know how to make a simple bipedal humanoid robot here.

7. Remote Controlled Robot


This remote controlled robot can be moved around using almost any kind of remote, such as your TV remote. This is possible because this robot has an IR (infrared) receiver, that can perceive the IR emitted from the control remote. Try it out, see the instructions here.

8. Vacuum Cleaner Robot

floor_vaccum cleaner robot

With this robot, you don’t need to clean your floor. It will clean it for you. Try this floor vacuum cleaner robot, that uses a motor shield and is controlled by Arduino. Check out the instructions here.

9. Robotic Drum


This robotic drum uses an Arduino to control two drumsticks. All the beats are written directly in the Arduino software. If you have a band and don’t have a drummer, you can build your own drummer. Pretty amazing. Learn more about this project here.

10. Multipurpose Bot

multipurpose bot

This multipurpose does several different tasks. It navigates via 3 IR switches, plays “hide and go seek”, chooses paths, gives audio and visual feedback through a buzzer, an LCD display and much more. This is an awesome project to learn more about sensors. See all the details for this project here.

11. Balancing Robot

balancing robot

This balancing robot operates on the same principle as Segway. It accelerates and decelerates the wheels to keep the system upright. There are many applications of this principle in several projects. You can see the basics about the balancing robot here.

12. Mecanum Wheel Robot

mecanum wheel robot bluetooth

This car like robot moves in four directions without twisting thanks to its unique wheels. You can buy a full kit to build your Mecanum Wheel Robot. Check out this mecanum wheel robot controlled via Bluetooth.

13. Robofish (It actually swims in water)


The robofish is a robot fish that swims and recognizes tank edges as well as obstacles. This is a simple project with servo motors, infrared sensors and Arduino. See here all the steps to build your fish.

14. Electronic Piano Keyboard with Preset Songs

piano keyboard preset songs

This is a really fun project with piezo buzzer and switches. This piano keyboard has 7 piano keys, and an 8th button to access a menu of preset songs. Try this project, and adapt it to play your favorite songs.

15. Makey


Makey is an autonomous robot that follows objects and avoid obstacles. It uses to DC motors to power each of the 2 drive wheels. See more details about makey and how to build it here.

16. Self-Watering Plant


This is a very useful and simple project and is perfect for you if you often forget to water your plants. This project uses an Arduino controlled water pump, a water reservoir and a soil sensor. Here are the instructions.

17. Quadcopter


Quadcopters are awesome! Gather all the tools and start building your quadcopter. Probably you will need to study several cases and adapt each one to build the quadcopter you want. Here’s a good example.

18. Weird eye Robot


This weird robot was build using the Arduino starter kit. See more details here.

19. Arduino Wireless Animatronic Hand


This robotic hand mimics the motions of a human counterpart. The user wears a control glove that controls the animatronic hand precisely. Pretty cool! Check here how you can do it.

Wrapping Up

What’s your favorite robot? What do you plan to build next?

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Thanks for reading,


P.S. Here’s a another blog post that you can read that it is dedicated to Arduino modules: “21 Arduino Modules You Can Buy For Less Than $2“.

Learn how to build a home automation system and we’ll cover the following main subjects: Node-RED, Node-RED Dashboard, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, ESP8266, MQTT, and InfluxDB database DOWNLOAD »
Learn how to build a home automation system and we’ll cover the following main subjects: Node-RED, Node-RED Dashboard, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, ESP8266, MQTT, and InfluxDB database DOWNLOAD »

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9 thoughts on “19 Awesome Robots You Can Build With an Arduino”

  1. Cat laser entertainer is very interesting for me n easy to make.
    I plan to build a drawing robot and later, quadcopter.
    Thanks. I like this collection!

  2. I want to use 2.4 tft touch screen module, gsm module, matrix keypad, & a servo motor together in arduino uno……….. Plzzzz show me the way….. How it can be possible….

  3. Very cool. We have Robotics and Coding students that built construction robots. They did it with Parallax ActivityBoards though. But the same could be done with Arduinos.


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