Home Automation Server – Project Example Tutorial

In order to complete this tutorial you need to create your free account at HomeAutomationServer.com.

HomeAutomationServer.com has been discounted, please use the new version of this project: Control ESP8266 GPIOs from Anywhere in the World.

What’s this all about? “We provide a free platform that allow you to control your home from anywhere in the world.”

After you create your account you can find a complete tutorial tutorial inside, but I’ve decided to post here a sneak peak!

This tutorial example is something really easy that anyone can follow trough. This was the best example I could create to explain how this works. After you test this example you can create your own project with more advanced features. Just an idea, you can replace those LED’s for relays. And instead of controlling a simple LED you can control a 220V Lamp or your garage door. I’m currently working on those more advanced tutorials.

Parts Required


Schematics – Example


How to Insert your Webcam

Watch the video below to learn how to insert your webcam.

Click here to create your free account at Spreecast.com

I’ve decided to hot glue my servos like that, this was a quick setup that I’ve made. But I encourage to get one pan and tilt and make something better. Keep in mind that you’ll need to change the servos positions in my code (variables: “bServo” and “tServo”).

Upload the Arduino Code below

Click here to see this Arduino code above on Github.com

(Don’t forget to change your unique “user_key” that we provide inside HomeAutomationServer.com)

Demonstration of this Example

Read: Control ESP32 and ESP8266 GPIOs from Anywhere in the World

Learn how to build a home automation system and we’ll cover the following main subjects: Node-RED, Node-RED Dashboard, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, ESP8266, MQTT, and InfluxDB database DOWNLOAD »
Learn how to build a home automation system and we’ll cover the following main subjects: Node-RED, Node-RED Dashboard, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, ESP8266, MQTT, and InfluxDB database DOWNLOAD »

Recommended Resources

Build a Home Automation System from Scratch » With Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, Arduino, and Node-RED.

Home Automation using ESP8266 eBook and video course » Build IoT and home automation projects.

Arduino Step-by-Step Projects » Build 25 Arduino projects with our course, even with no prior experience!

What to Read Next…

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26 thoughts on “Home Automation Server – Project Example Tutorial”

  1. hello,nice project can try.
    i have do all the steps above but still doesn’t work…
    how to check if Ethernet Shield W5100 connect to website or not?

  2. hi i loved ur both web based projects i made it but i m stuck with ur this project my serial monitor is showing the client is not available what to do in ur code i changed the ip to my ip just this much changing i made but it is not working what to do now please tell me i would love ur help on it thank u

  3. connecting…
    the client is not available
    stop connection
    the above are my serial monitor talks well please tell me is homeautomation website is not communicating coz where it has to get its location and data it gets it out with stop connection what to do please tell me

    • Hi lovligirl,
      I’m using constantly my project for a few weeks now and it works just fine.
      What did you change to my code?
      Just the Unique key?
      Which Arduino and Ethernet shield are you using?

  4. hi rui thanks to ur web but ur project is not working i have done every possible work but it is not even response on any activity and just no client on serial my all mates changed there concentration to other work thank u but please do something so that people like me don’t have to be in so much pain to get it ok ur replies are also so much late even examples of ether-net are working instead of this.

  5. ok Mr rui i tried ur code tried tried treid alot then i put it in example format then i lessen whole theory and now it is working i removed a big portion of ur code thanks to u my net was not working so i wasn’t able to test it but the example of webclient is the basic pattern of mine thnks again to make such a good project

  6. hye rui,

    i got same problem with lovelygirl, connected.. the client is not available.

    why? can u share with me and troubleshoot it. im still learning why it happen and share with u if i get the solution.

  7. Great Projects!
    I’m new to Arduino projects. I have an Adafruit cc3000 wifi shield and I want to use it in this project instead of the ethernet shield but I don’t know how to Change the code.
    Please help me build the code. Thanks In advance.

  8. on your Home Automation Server – Project Example, you used an Ethernet shield. I want to ask if I use a WiFi shield like Adafruit CC3000 WiFi shield instead of an Ethernet shield will it work? Thanks, Regards, Troy

    • It will work with the Adafruit CC3000 Wifi shield if you make some changes to my code.
      Try to search for the difference between both boards. I don’t have the Adafruit board myself…

  9. Have your project working on my “Chicken Coop Door Controller” but would like a confirmation that action has completed, ie button on Home Automation website lights up etc…..


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