In this guide, you’ll learn how to make HTTP GET and HTTP POST requests with the ESP8266 NodeMCU board with Arduino IDE. We’ll cover examples on how to get values, post JSON objects, URL encoded requests, and more.

Recommended: ESP32 HTTP GET and HTTP POST with Arduino IDE (JSON, URL Encoded, Text)
HTTP Request Methods: GET vs POST
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) works as a request-response protocol between a client and server. Here’s an example:
- The ESP8266 (client) submits an HTTP request to a Raspberry Pi running Node-RED (server);
- The server returns a response to the ESP8266 (client);
- Finally, the response contains status information about the request and may also contain the requested content.
GET is used to request data from a specified resource. It is often used to get values from APIs.
For example, you can have:
GET /update-sensor?temperature=value1
Note that the query string (name = temperature and value = value1) is sent in the URL of the HTTP GET request.
Or you can use a simple request to return a value or JSON object, for example:
GET /get-sensor
(With HTTP GET, data is visible to everyone in the URL request.)
POST is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource. For example, publish sensor readings to a server.
The data sent to the server with POST is stored in the request body of the HTTP request:
POST /update-sensor HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
In the body request, you can also send a JSON object:
POST /update-sensor HTTP/1.1
{api_key: "api", sensor_name: "name", temperature: value1, humidity: value2, pressure: value3}
Content-Type: application/json
(With HTTP POST, data is not visible in the URL request. However, if it’s not encrypted, it’s still visible in the request body.)
In this guide, we’ll explore the following scenarios:
- ESP8266 HTTP GET: Value or Query in URL
- ESP8266 HTTP GET: JSON Data Object or Plain Text
- ESP8266 HTTP POST: URL Encoded, JSON Data Object, Plain Text
Before proceeding with this tutorial, make sure you complete the following prerequisites.
Arduino IDE
We’ll program the ESP8266 NodeMCU board using Arduino IDE, so make sure you have the ESP8266 add-on installed.
Arduino_JSON Library
You also need to install the Arduino_JSON library. You can install this library in the Arduino IDE Library Manager. Just go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries and search for the library name as follows:

Parts Required
For this tutorial you need the following parts:
- ESP8266 (read Best ESP8266 development boards)
- Raspberry Pi board (read Best Raspberry Pi Starter Kits)
- MicroSD Card – 16GB Class10
- Raspberry Pi Power Supply (5V 2.5A)
- Jumper wires
- Breadboard
You can use the preceding links or go directly to to find all the parts for your projects at the best price!
Preparing Node-RED (optional)
As an example, we’ll create a web service with a Raspberry Pi and Node-RED to act as a web service (like an API). Basically, you’ll make HTTP GET and HTTP POST requests to your Raspberry Pi to get values or update them. You can use any other web service.
If you don’t have Node-RED installed, follow the next tutorials:
Having Node-RED running on your Raspberry Pi, go to your Raspberry Pi IP address followed by :1880.
The Node-RED interface should open. You can simply import the final flow:

Go to Menu > Import and copy the following to your Clipboard to create your Node-RED flow.
[{"id":"599740b7.efde9","type":"http response","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","statusCode":"200","headers":{},"x":420,"y":689,"wires":[]},{"id":"1618a829.76f638","type":"json","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","property":"payload","action":"obj","pretty":true,"x":410,"y":809,"wires":[["d0089cc7.d25ac"]]},{"id":"c7410fa2.1c2fa","type":"debug","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","x":850,"y":709,"wires":[]},{"id":"75a22f74.f1aba","type":"ui_text","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","group":"2b7ac01b.fc984","order":1,"width":0,"height":0,"name":"","label":"Sensor Name","format":"{{msg.payload}}","layout":"row-spread","x":860,"y":769,"wires":[]},{"id":"1c8f9093.8bc2bf","type":"ui_gauge","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","group":"2b7ac01b.fc984","order":2,"width":0,"height":0,"gtype":"gage","title":"Temperature","label":"ÂşC","format":"{{value}}","min":0,"max":"38","colors":["#00b500","#e6e600","#ca3838"],"seg1":"","seg2":"","x":850,"y":829,"wires":[]},{"id":"a5bd2706.54e108","type":"ui_gauge","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","group":"2b7ac01b.fc984","order":3,"width":0,"height":0,"gtype":"gage","title":"Humidity","label":"%","format":"{{value}}","min":0,"max":"100","colors":["#0080ff","#0062c4","#002f5e"],"seg1":"","seg2":"","x":840,"y":889,"wires":[]},{"id":"105ac2cc.7b3cfd","type":"ui_gauge","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","group":"2b7ac01b.fc984","order":4,"width":0,"height":0,"gtype":"gage","title":"Pressure","label":"hPa","format":"{{value}}","min":0,"max":"1200","colors":["#b366ff","#8000ff","#440088"],"seg1":"","seg2":"","x":840,"y":949,"wires":[]},{"id":"d0089cc7.d25ac","type":"function","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"JSON or URL Encoded","func":"var msg0 = { payload: msg.payload.api_key };\nvar msg1 = { payload: msg.payload.sensor };\nvar msg2 = { payload: msg.payload.value1 };\nvar msg3 = { payload: msg.payload.value2 };\nvar msg4 = { payload: msg.payload.value3 };\n\nreturn [msg0, msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4];","outputs":5,"noerr":0,"x":610,"y":809,"wires":[["c7410fa2.1c2fa"],["75a22f74.f1aba"],["1c8f9093.8bc2bf"],["a5bd2706.54e108"],["105ac2cc.7b3cfd"]]},{"id":"5d9ab0d2.66b92","type":"http in","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","url":"update-sensor","method":"post","upload":false,"swaggerDoc":"","x":200,"y":740,"wires":[["599740b7.efde9","c7410fa2.1c2fa","1618a829.76f638"]]},{"id":"7f5cf345.63f56c","type":"http response","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","statusCode":"200","headers":{},"x":540,"y":420,"wires":[]},{"id":"6530621.95b429c","type":"http in","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","url":"/get-sensor","method":"get","upload":false,"swaggerDoc":"","x":180,"y":600,"wires":[["9471d1a0.68588"]]},{"id":"5ddc9f47.4b555","type":"http response","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","statusCode":"200","headers":{},"x":540,"y":560,"wires":[]},{"id":"9471d1a0.68588","type":"function","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","func":"msg.payload = {\"value1\":24.25, \"value2\":49.54, \"value3\":1005.14};\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":350,"y":600,"wires":[["5ddc9f47.4b555","13aea59.7430e5a"]]},{"id":"13aea59.7430e5a","type":"debug","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","x":550,"y":628,"wires":[]},{"id":"e71c7a7d.e7c598","type":"debug","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","x":550,"y":500,"wires":[]},{"id":"c7807102.3f433","type":"http in","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","url":"/update-sensor","method":"get","upload":false,"swaggerDoc":"","x":190,"y":460,"wires":[["60410cde.562a34"]]},{"id":"60410cde.562a34","type":"function","z":"b01416d3.f69f38","name":"","func":"msg.payload = msg.payload.temperature;\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":390,"y":460,"wires":[["e71c7a7d.e7c598","7f5cf345.63f56c"]]},{"id":"2b7ac01b.fc984","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"SENSORS","tab":"99ab8dc5.f435c","disp":true,"width":"6","collapse":false},{"id":"99ab8dc5.f435c","type":"ui_tab","z":"","name":"HTTP","icon":"dashboard","order":1,"disabled":false,"hidden":false}]
Other Web Services or APIs
In this guide, the ESP8266 performs HTTP requests to Node-RED, but you can use these examples with other services like ThingSpeak, (Web Hooks service),, PHP server, etc… All examples presented in this guide will also work with other APIs.
In summary, to make this guide compatible with any service, you need to search for the service API documentation. Then, you need the server name (URL or IP address), and parameters to send in the request (URL path or request body). Finally, modify our examples to integrate with any API you want to use.
1. ESP8266 HTTP GET: Value or Query in URL
In the first example, the ESP8266 will make an HTTP GET request to update a reading in a service. This type of request could also be used to filter a value, request a value or return a JSON object.

Code ESP8266 HTTP GET with Arduino IDE
After installing the necessary board add-ons and libraries, copy the following code to your Arduino IDE, but don’t upload it yet. You need to make some changes to make it work for you.
Rui Santos
Complete project details at Complete project details at
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files.
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Code compatible with ESP8266 Boards Version 3.0.0 or above
(see in Tools > Boards > Boards Manager > ESP8266)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
const char* ssid = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SSID";
const char* password = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PASSWORD";
//Your Domain name with URL path or IP address with path
String serverName = "";
// the following variables are unsigned longs because the time, measured in
// milliseconds, will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int.
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
// Timer set to 10 minutes (600000)
//unsigned long timerDelay = 600000;
// Set timer to 5 seconds (5000)
unsigned long timerDelay = 5000;
void setup() {
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Connected to WiFi network with IP Address: ");
Serial.println("Timer set to 5 seconds (timerDelay variable), it will take 5 seconds before publishing the first reading.");
void loop() {
// Send an HTTP POST request depending on timerDelay
if ((millis() - lastTime) > timerDelay) {
//Check WiFi connection status
if(WiFi.status()== WL_CONNECTED){
WiFiClient client;
HTTPClient http;
String serverPath = serverName + "?temperature=24.37";
// Your Domain name with URL path or IP address with path
http.begin(client, serverPath.c_str());
// If you need Node-RED/server authentication, insert user and password below
// Send HTTP GET request
int httpResponseCode = http.GET();
if (httpResponseCode>0) {
Serial.print("HTTP Response code: ");
String payload = http.getString();
else {
Serial.print("Error code: ");
// Free resources
else {
Serial.println("WiFi Disconnected");
lastTime = millis();
Setting your network credentials
Modify the next lines with your network credentials: SSID and password. The code is well commented on where you should make the changes.
// Replace with your network credentials
const char* ssid = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SSID";
const char* password = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PASSWORD";
Setting your serverName
You also need to type your domain name or Node-RED IP address, so the ESP publishes the readings to your own server.
String serverName = "";
Now, upload the code to your board and it should work straight away.
Read the next section, if you want to learn how to make the HTTP GET request.
HTTP GET Request
In the loop() is where you actually make the HTTP GET request every 5 seconds with sample data:
String serverPath = serverName + "?temperature=24.37";
// Your Domain name with URL path or IP address with path
http.begin(client, serverPath.c_str());
// If you need Node-RED/server authentication, insert user and password below
// Send HTTP GET request
int httpResponseCode = http.GET();
Note: if Node-RED requires authentication, uncomment the following line and insert the Node-RED username and password.
// If you need Node-RED/server authentication, insert user and password below
The ESP8266 makes a new request in the following URL to update the sensor field with a new temperature.
Then, the following lines of code save the HTTP response from the server.
if (httpResponseCode>0) {
Serial.print("HTTP Response code: ");
String payload = http.getString();
else {
Serial.print("Error code: ");
With your board running the new sketch, open the Node-RED debug window. You’ll see that the sample values are being printed successfully (24.37).

2. ESP8266 HTTP GET: JSON Data Object or Plain Text
This next example shows how to make an HTTP GET request to get a JSON object and decode it with the ESP8266. Many APIs return data in JSON format.

Copy the next sketch to your Arduino IDE (type your SSID and password):
Rui Santos
Complete project details at Complete project details at
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files.
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Code compatible with ESP8266 Boards Version 3.0.0 or above
(see in Tools > Boards > Boards Manager > ESP8266)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <Arduino_JSON.h>
const char* ssid = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SSID";
const char* password = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PASSWORD";
//Your Domain name with URL path or IP address with path
const char* serverName = "";
// the following variables are unsigned longs because the time, measured in
// milliseconds, will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int.
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
// Timer set to 10 minutes (600000)
//unsigned long timerDelay = 600000;
// Set timer to 5 seconds (5000)
unsigned long timerDelay = 5000;
String sensorReadings;
float sensorReadingsArr[3];
void setup() {
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Connected to WiFi network with IP Address: ");
Serial.println("Timer set to 5 seconds (timerDelay variable), it will take 5 seconds before publishing the first reading.");
void loop() {
// Send an HTTP POST request depending on timerDelay
if ((millis() - lastTime) > timerDelay) {
//Check WiFi connection status
if(WiFi.status()== WL_CONNECTED){
sensorReadings = httpGETRequest(serverName);
JSONVar myObject = JSON.parse(sensorReadings);
// JSON.typeof(jsonVar) can be used to get the type of the var
if (JSON.typeof(myObject) == "undefined") {
Serial.println("Parsing input failed!");
Serial.print("JSON object = ");
// myObject.keys() can be used to get an array of all the keys in the object
JSONVar keys = myObject.keys();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length(); i++) {
JSONVar value = myObject[keys[i]];
Serial.print(" = ");
sensorReadingsArr[i] = double(value);
Serial.print("1 = ");
Serial.print("2 = ");
Serial.print("3 = ");
else {
Serial.println("WiFi Disconnected");
lastTime = millis();
String httpGETRequest(const char* serverName) {
WiFiClient client;
HTTPClient http;
// Your IP address with path or Domain name with URL path
http.begin(client, serverName);
// If you need Node-RED/server authentication, insert user and password below
// Send HTTP POST request
int httpResponseCode = http.GET();
String payload = "{}";
if (httpResponseCode>0) {
Serial.print("HTTP Response code: ");
payload = http.getString();
else {
Serial.print("Error code: ");
// Free resources
return payload;
Setting your serverName
Enter your domain name or Node-RED IP address, so the ESP requests the sensor readings that will be retrieved in a JSON object.
String serverName = "";
Now, upload the code to your board.
HTTP GET Request (JSON Object)
In the loop(), call the httpGETRequest() function to make the HTTP GET request:
sensorReadings = httpGETRequest(serverName);
The httpGETRequest() function makes a request to Node-RED address and it retrieves a string with a JSON object.
String httpGETRequest(const char* serverName) {
WiFiClient client;
HTTPClient http;
// Your IP address with path or Domain name with URL path
http.begin(client, serverName);
// If you need Node-RED/server authentication, insert user and password below
// Send HTTP POST request
int httpResponseCode = http.GET();
String payload = "{}";
if (httpResponseCode>0) {
Serial.print("HTTP Response code: ");
payload = http.getString();
else {
Serial.print("Error code: ");
// Free resources
return payload;
Note: if Node-RED requires authentication, uncomment the following line and insert the Node-RED username and password.
// If you need Node-RED/server authentication, insert user and password below
Decoding JSON Object
To get access to the values, decode the JSON object and store all values in the sensorReadingsArr array.
JSONVar myObject = JSON.parse(sensorReadings);
// JSON.typeof(jsonVar) can be used to get the type of the var
if (JSON.typeof(myObject) == "undefined") {
Serial.println("Parsing input failed!");
Serial.print("JSON object = ");
// myObject.keys() can be used to get an array of all the keys in the object
JSONVar keys = myObject.keys();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length(); i++) {
JSONVar value = myObject[keys[i]];
Serial.print(" = ");
sensorReadingsArr[i] = double(value);
Serial.print("1 = ");
Serial.print("2 = ");
Serial.print("3 = ");
HTTP GET Demonstration
After uploading the code, open the Arduino IDE and you’ll see that it’s receiving the following JSON data:
Then, you print the decoded JSON object in the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor.

For debugging purposes, the requested information is also printed in the Node-RED debug window.

3. ESP8266 HTTP POST: URL Encoded, JSON Data Object, Plain Text
Finally, you’ll learn how to make an HTTP POST request with an ESP8266.
With this example, your ESP8266 can make HTTP POST requests using three different types of body requests: URL encoded, JSON object or plain text. These are the most common methods and should integrate with most APIs or web services.

Copy the next sketch to your Arduino IDE (type your SSID and password):
Rui Santos
Complete project details at Complete project details at
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files.
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Code compatible with ESP8266 Boards Version 3.0.0 or above
(see in Tools > Boards > Boards Manager > ESP8266)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
const char* ssid = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SSID";
const char* password = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PASSWORD";
//Your Domain name with URL path or IP address with path
const char* serverName = "";
// the following variables are unsigned longs because the time, measured in
// milliseconds, will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int.
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
// Timer set to 10 minutes (600000)
//unsigned long timerDelay = 600000;
// Set timer to 5 seconds (5000)
unsigned long timerDelay = 5000;
void setup() {
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Connected to WiFi network with IP Address: ");
Serial.println("Timer set to 5 seconds (timerDelay variable), it will take 5 seconds before publishing the first reading.");
void loop() {
//Send an HTTP POST request every 10 minutes
if ((millis() - lastTime) > timerDelay) {
//Check WiFi connection status
if(WiFi.status()== WL_CONNECTED){
WiFiClient client;
HTTPClient http;
// Your Domain name with URL path or IP address with path
http.begin(client, serverName);
// If you need Node-RED/server authentication, insert user and password below
// Specify content-type header
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// Data to send with HTTP POST
String httpRequestData = "api_key=tPmAT5Ab3j7F9&sensor=BME280&value1=24.25&value2=49.54&value3=1005.14";
// Send HTTP POST request
int httpResponseCode = http.POST(httpRequestData);
// If you need an HTTP request with a content type: application/json, use the following:
//http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
//int httpResponseCode = http.POST("{\"api_key\":\"tPmAT5Ab3j7F9\",\"sensor\":\"BME280\",\"value1\":\"24.25\",\"value2\":\"49.54\",\"value3\":\"1005.14\"}");
// If you need an HTTP request with a content type: text/plain
//http.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
//int httpResponseCode = http.POST("Hello, World!");
Serial.print("HTTP Response code: ");
// Free resources
else {
Serial.println("WiFi Disconnected");
lastTime = millis();
Setting your serverName
Enter your domain name or Node-RED IP address, so the ESP posts sample sensor readings.
String serverName = "";
Now, upload the code to your board.
To make an HTTP POST request of type URL encoded, like this
POST /update-sensor HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
You need to run the following in your Arduino code:
// Your Domain name with URL path or IP address with path
http.begin(client, serverName);
// If you need Node-RED/server authentication, insert user and password below
// Specify content-type header
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// Data to send with HTTP POST
String httpRequestData = "api_key=tPmAT5Ab3j7F9&sensor=BME280&value1=24.25&value2=49.54&value3=1005.14";
// Send HTTP POST request
int httpResponseCode = http.POST(httpRequestData);
Note: if Node-RED requires authentication, uncomment the following line and insert the Node-RED username and password.
// If you need Node-RED/server authentication, insert user and password below
Or if you prefer to make an HTTP POST request with a JSON object:
POST /update-sensor HTTP/1.1
{api_key: "tPmAT5Ab3j7F9", sensor_name: "BME280", temperature: 24.25; humidity: 49.54; pressure: 1005.14}
Content-Type: application/json
Use the next snippet:
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
int httpResponseCode = http.POST("{\"api_key\":\"tPmAT5Ab3j7F9\",\"sensor\":\"BME280\",\"value1\":\"24.25\",\"value2\":\"49.54\",\"value3\":\"1005.14\"}");
HTTP Plain Text
If you want to send plain text or a value, use the following:
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
int httpResponseCode = http.POST("Hello, World!");
Note: the Node-RED flow we’re using (web service) is not setup to receive plain text, but if the API that you plan to integrate only accepts plain text or a value, you can use the previous snippet.
HTTP POST Demonstration
In the Node-RED debug window, you can view that your ESP is making an HTTP POST request every 5 seconds.

And in this example, those values are also sent to 3 Gauges and are displayed in Node-RED Dashboard:

Wrapping Up
In this tutorial you’ve learned how to integrate your ESP8266 with online services using HTTP GET and HTTP POST requests.
HTTP GET and HTTP POST are commonly used in most web services and APIs. These can be useful in your projects to: publish your sensor readings to a web service like IFTTT, ThingSpeak; to an ESP8266 or Raspberry Pi web server or to your own server; to request data from the internet or from your database, and much more.
If you’re using an ESP32 board, read: Guide for ESP32 HTTP GET and HTTP Post Requests.
You might also like reading:
- [eBook] Home Automation using ESP8266
- ESP32/ESP8266 Send Email Notification using PHP Script
- Visualize Your Sensor Readings from Anywhere in the World (ESP32/ESP8266 + MySQL + PHP) using Charts
- ESP8266 NodeMCU Relay Module Web Server
- MicroPython Programming with ESP32 and ESP8266
I hope you liked this project. If you have any questions, post a comment below and we’ll try to get back to you.
If you like ESP8266, you might consider enrolling in our eBook “Home Automation using ESP8266“. You can also access our free ESP8266 resources here.
Thank you for reading.
what sensor are we talking about and what Ip are you talking about ? Does this have to have a node-Red. Do I have to access a web site, my own? I am sorry I usually get your stuff but this is remiss.
Hello John, I apologize for the confusion.
This guide is meant to be used with any service that supports HTTP GET or HTTP POST requests (like,, etc…).
In this tutorial I’ve used a local installation of Node-RED in a Raspberry Pi (so, in the ServerName you should type your RPi IP address for Node-RED or modify it to work with any service that you desire).
The “sensor” is just dummy data to be used as an example. The ESP is not reading any sensor, instead it’s sending sample values to Node-RED or to requesting them.
Hi, I hope you are well,
Do you have an example of php, that recib this json?
It would be nice to see some simple examples of the web server side using php to reply to a request that works with each option.
Never mind. Google is my friend! 🙂
Does anyone know how I can solve this problem?
‘JSONVar’ was not declared in this scope
JSONVar myObject = JSON.parse(sensorReadings);
You need to install the Arduino_JSON Library with the “_” on the name.
Can we do it ESP8266 ESP-01?
Hi Rui and Sara,
Thanks for ESP8266 NodeMCU HTTP GET and HTTP POST with Arduino IDE project.
I am getting following error when doing verify/compile with ESP8266,
call to ‘HTTPClient::begin’ declared with attribute error: obsolete API, use ::begin(WiFiClient, url).
On at line http.begin(serverName);
What to do?
I have the same problem and have no idea what to do with it. Can you help us, Rui and Sara?
Ok, I found the solution
Thanks for sharing the solution.
We’ll have to update all the tutorials that use that method soon.
you have to pass the instance of WiFiclient with the url in the argument of http.begin().
WiFiClient client; // client is the instance of WifiClient;
float sensorReadingsArr[3];
sensorReadingsArr[i] = double(value);
Hi, I want to ask. How if I want the data “sensorReadingsArr” only number not float? What code I should use?
Like this maybe?
int sensorReadingsArr[3];
sensorReadingsArr[i] = value;
Thank you.
I have problem with http.getstring(), I’m trying to fetch json data from php file it work’s fine but when connect esp8266 to some specific network this function get weird characters like this:
Fr⸮99⸮⸮⸮b8h0ԑ⸮⸮⸮⸮ ⸮⸮pP⸮cgF⸮⸮m5⸮⸮g1⸮b⸮?{L⸮ӔSӚ⸮⸮
⸮`and actual data should like this:
any idea how to solve this?
thank you
Hello Rui and Sara,
I’m trying to send data to my own webserver (apache2 on Raspi4). The esp connects well, but answer is 401. So I need to include username/password in my POST request. But how? Can you give me a short description or code snippet how to do this in the above script?
Thank you.
Hi Rui! Hi Sara! Very insightful projects! Thank you very much!
Would be possible to POST a JSON Object but connecting via 2G instead of WiFi?
Check this tutorial. I think it might help:
Guau! Thank you Sara for your answer!
I have implemented your code with small adjustment, basically the content type to json, to my application as follows:
client.print(String(“POST “) + resource + ” HTTP/1.1\r\n”);
client.print(String(“Host: “) + server + “\r\n”);
client.println(“Connection: close”);
client.println(“Content-Type: application/json”);
client.print(“Content-Length: “);
unsigned long timeout = millis();
while (client.connected() && millis() - timeout < 10000L) {
// Print available data (HTTP response from server)
while (client.available()) {
char c =;
timeout = millis();
// Close client and disconnect
SerialMon.println(F("Server disconnected"));
But the response I got reading the serial shows I am basically reading what was already transmitted to the server when I was connecting via WiFi. The new data doesn’t show up at the server. Seems like I am getting info from the server instead of posting!? Can you spot some gross mistake from my side? That’s what I am reading at the serial monitor:
Connecting to APN: OK
Connecting to OK
Performing HTTP POST request…
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
function-execution-id: wyorn5o1ib5z
X-Cloud-Trace-Context: 42ffe95a4800312b7be39a82c2c6a5c6;o=1
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2022 12:01:17 GMT
Server: Google Frontend
Content-Length: 9871
Connection: close
[{“value9”: “28.50”, “api_key”: “tPmAT5Ab3j7F9”, “value6″: ” 50.0″, “value7″: ” 19.0″, “value3”: “28.50”, “value10″: ” 0.0″, “record_created”: “2022-08-11 14:19:10.687348+00:00”, “sensor”: “Reflections”, “value2”: “-3.27397”, “value4″: ” 0.0″, “value5″: ” 39.9″, “value1”: “51.46940”, “value8”: “-3.27397”, “value11″: ” 39.9\r”, “id”: “115aa065-0471-4669-82c3-6d25f8e325bc”}, {“value9”: “28.44”, “record_created”: “2022-08-11 14:56:55.472108+00:00”, “value1”: “51.46946”, “value2”: “-3.27396”, “api_key”: “tPmAT5Ab3j7F9”, “value11″: ” 0.0\r”, “value7″: ” 19.0″, “value3”: “28.44”, “value8”: “-3.27396”, “value4″: ” 0.0″, “value6″: ” 55.0″, “sensor”: “Reflections”, “value10″: ” 0.0″, “value5″: ” 0.0″, “id”: “141f686b-36e6-48f9-b975-8596be5e7e05”}, {“value1”: “01.11”, “value5”: “555.44”, “value9”: “999.44”, “value2”: “22.22.44”, “value3”: “333.33”, “value10”: “100.44”, “value8”: “885.44”, “value11”: “……………… “value1”: “01.11”, “record_created”: “2022-07-14 23:01:15.978830+00:00”, “value6”: “665.44”, “sensor”: “Reflections”, “value10”: “100.44”, “api_key”: “tPmAT5Ab3j7F9”, “value11”: “1100.44”, “value8”: “885.44”, “value4”: “444.44”, “value5”: “555.44”, “value2”: “22.22.44”, “value7”: “765.44”, “id”: “c82e2ae0-198e-4c31-ba1b-63451aba8fbf”}, {“value9”: “999.44”, “value10”: “100.44”, “record_created”: “2022-07-14 22:
Server disconnected
GPRS disconnected
I just found my mistake! Your code is flawless! I mistyped the server details. I have included the path to the area where the data is stored instead of stopping where the data is received. Working well now! Tks!
This is nice, but I want to clarify something:
“” is not the server name. is the name (in this case, already resolved as the IP address)
http is the protocol.
1880 is the port
/update-sensor is the path.
structure of a url is:
Hell0, Im trying to use your code for retrivieing the Json file on this webpage
but i cant get it to work. I think the problem might be that it is an https page. Any ideas?
The data is generated from this Swedish page,
to get a fresh data page press the green box with the text “Testa själv” sorry for the swedish page
You’ll need to adjust your code to make an HTTPS request instead.
You can take a look at this tutorial to learn how to make HTTPS requests with the ESP8266:
Thank you for your reply first we need to establish connection with mysql database and pass a value generated from esp32 through php file with a http post request.
I have used express.js as a backend server to respond to the request created by the Arduino ESP8266 ,
here is the code for express.js: filename:”server.js”
const express = require(‘express’);
const app = express();
// Serve static files
// Handle incoming HTTP requests‘/update-sensor’, (req, res) => {
console.log(‘Received request:’, req.query.state);
app.listen(5000, () => {
console.log(‘Server started on port 3000’);
it is hosted in ngrok with https protocol, but it throws error like this:
Connected to WiFi network with IP Address:
Timer set to 5 seconds (timerDelay variable), it will take 5 seconds before publishing the first reading.
HTTP Response code: -5
HTTP Response code: -5
HTTP Response code: -5
HTTP Response code: -5
and so on….
Maybe you need to try HTTPS requests instead.
See this tutorial to learn how to make HTTPS requests with the ESP8266:
No need to enter API key( Inside body )in HTTP post with JASON object right? we can give only sensor data also?
Hello. I have the following setup. An arduino mega conected to a ESP8266 ESP-01. I’m trying to replicate first guide but I get the the following error: ESP8266WiFi.h: No such file or directory. Can you advise me on what should I do to get it to work on my setup?
I found this post (and some other) after looking for a solution to use an external webservice with POST, thanks to Rui for all these explainations.
Right now I’m stuck on a slight problem. with an ESP8266 I send data (the Mac Address of the esp8266) on a POST webservice (external web site), and this site returns me a status 200 and a JSON file which contains a token related to the transaction of which here is an example generated by the web service:
{ “token”: “39387e8a-6afe-40a7-b1dc-043173689112” }
I can’t get this value, I only get the http:200
with this line of code :
// HTTP request with a content type: application/json, use the following:
https.addHeader(“Content-Type”, “application/json”);
int httpResponseCode = https.POST(json);
Do you have any ideas? 2 or 3 lines of code to get me started?
Thanks a lot!