Installing ESP8266 Board in Arduino IDE (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

The ESP8266 community created an add-on for the Arduino IDE that allows you to program the ESP8266 using the Arduino IDE and its programming language.

This tutorial shows how to install the ESP8266 board in Arduino IDE whether you’re using Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.

Watch the Video Tutorial

This tutorial is available in video format (watch below) and in written format (continue reading this page). 

If you like the ESP8266 and want to build more projects, you can get my eBook: Home Automation using ESP8266.

Prerequisites: Arduino IDE Installed

Before starting this installation procedure, make sure you have the latest version of the Arduino IDE installed in your computer. If you don’t, uninstall it and install it again. Otherwise, it may not work.

Having the latest Arduino IDE software installed from, continue with this tutorial.

Do you need an ESP8266 board? You can buy it here.

Install ESP8266 Add-on in Arduino IDE

To install the ESP8266 board in your Arduino IDE, follow these next instructions:

  1. In your Arduino IDE, go to File> Preferences

    Install ESP8266 Board add-on in Arduino IDE open preferences
  2. Enter into the “Additional Boards Manager URLs” field as shown in the figure below. Then, click the “OK” button:

    Install ESP8266 Board add-on in Arduino IDE enter URL

    Note: if you already have the ESP32 boards URL, you can separate the URLs with a comma as follows:,
  3. Open the Boards Manager. Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager…

    Install ESP8266 Board add-on in Arduino IDE Open boards manager
  4. Search for ESP8266 and press install button for the “ESP8266 by ESP8266 Community“:

    Install ESP8266 Board add-on in Arduino IDE search ESP8266
  5. That’s it. It should be installed after a few seconds.

    ESP8266 Board add-on in Arduino IDE installed

Testing the Installation

To test the ESP8266 add-on installation, let’s see if we can blink an LED with the ESP8266 using the Arduino programming language.

Parts Required

Here’s the hardware that you need to complete this project:

If you’re using an ESP8266-01, you also need an FTDI programmer to upload code.

You can use the preceding links or go directly to to find all the parts for your projects at the best price!

Uploading the Sketch

Uploading the Sketch to the ESP-12E

If you’re using an ESP-12E NodeMCU Kit, uploading the sketch is very simple, since it has built-in programmer. Plug your board to your computer. Make sure you have the right board selected:

Install ESP8266 Board add-on in Arduino IDE select board

You also need to select the Port:

Install ESP8266 Board add-on in Arduino IDE select COM port

Then, copy the code provided:

  Rui Santos
  Complete project details at  

int pin = 2;

void setup() {
  // initialize GPIO 2 as an output.
  pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(1000);               // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(pin, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  delay(1000);               // wait for a second

View raw code

Click the “Upload” button in the Arduino IDE and wait a few seconds until you see the message “Done uploading.” in the bottom left corner.

Done uploading sketch to ESP8266 using Arduino IDE

Uploading the Sketch to the ESP-01

Uploading code to the ESP-01 requires establishing a serial communication between your ESP8266 and a FTDI Programmer as shown in the schematic diagram below.

ESP8266 ESP-01 Uploading sketch with FTDI programmer Arduino IDE

The following table shows the connections you need to make between the ESP8266 and the FTDI programmer.

ESP8266FTDI programmer

If you have a brand new FTDI Programmer and you need to install your FTDI drivers on Windows PC, visit this website for the official drivers:

Then, you just need to connect the FTDI programmer to your computer, and upload the sketch to your ESP8266 board. You should see the “Done Uploading” message after a few seconds.


If you’re using an ESP8266-12E

Connect an LED to your ESP8266, as shown in the following schematic diagram. The LED should be connected to GPIO 2 (D4).

ESP8266 NodeMCU board Blinking an LED with Arduino IDE

If you’re using an ESP8266-01

If you’re using the ESP8266-01 assemble the following circuit.

ESP8266 ESP-01 Blinking an LED with Arduino IDE

If everything went well, your LED should be blinking every 1 second.


1) If you try to upload a new sketch to your ESP8266 and you get this error message “esptool.FatalError: Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header“. It means that your ESP8266 is not in flashing/uploading mode.

esptool.FatalError Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header

Having the right board name and COM port selected, follow these steps:

  • Hold-down the “BOOT/FLASH” button in your ESP8266 development board
  • Press the “Upload” button in the Arduino IDE to upload your sketch:
Arduino IDE uploading new sketch to ESP32
  • When you see the  “Connecting….” message in your Arduino IDE, release the finger from the “BOOT/FLASH” button
  • After that, you should see the “Done uploading” message

Your ESP8266 should have the new sketch running. Press the “ENABLE/RESET” button to restart the ESP8266 and run the new uploaded sketch.

2) If you get the error “COM Port not found/not available”, you might need to install the CP210x Drivers:

Wrapping Up

This is a quick guide that illustrates how to prepare your Arduino IDE for the ESP8266 on a Windows PC, Mac OS X, or Linux computer.

Next, you might want to read: Getting started with ESP8266.

That’s it, you’re ready to start building your own IoT projects with the ESP8266!

Do you have any questions? Leave a comment below!

Thanks for reading. If you like this post probably you might like my next ones, so subscribe to my newsletter.

Learn how to build a home automation system and we’ll cover the following main subjects: Node-RED, Node-RED Dashboard, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, ESP8266, MQTT, and InfluxDB database DOWNLOAD »
Learn how to build a home automation system and we’ll cover the following main subjects: Node-RED, Node-RED Dashboard, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, ESP8266, MQTT, and InfluxDB database DOWNLOAD »

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74 thoughts on “Installing ESP8266 Board in Arduino IDE (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)”

  1. Hi
    I need some help…!
    I want o using esp8266 esp-07 standalone and program it with the arduino ids but i can’t even compile the examples with the ide and I fallow all the instructions in the github website and also your website and the error is compile error please help me how can i fix this problem.
    thankes alot

  2. Hi
    I need some help…!
    I want o using esp8266 esp-07 standalone and program it with the arduino ids but i can’t even compile the examples with the ide and I fallow all the instructions in the github website and also your website and the error is compile error please help me how can i fix this problem.
    thankes alot

    • hola confirma que no tengas otra librería declarada, me pasaba lo mismo con un programa que usaba anteriormente y al no tener instalada esa librería en especifico, no podía compilar.

      #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

      la idea es que solo incluyas esa librería si tienes otra, elimínala y haz la prueba para ver si compila.

  3. Hi Rui

    When I try to upload the code, the compilation give me some errors

    warning: espcomm_sync failed
    error: espcomm_open failed
    error: espcomm_upload_mem failed

    Do you know because this?

  4. One note, as someone who just tried this, and…. bombed… This will require one of the 1.6.x or newer versions of the Arduino IDE.. I’m running a UBUNTU desktop, and it’s version for the IDE is 1.0.5… Not going to work! (and for some reason, they install the IDE in an odd fashion, making it tougher to install the newer version.)

  5. Hello MR. Rui Santos
    I am a novice at Arduino projects.
    Install ESP8266 according to your instructions and uplaud to get the following information:
    I am a novice at Arduino projects.
    Install ESP8266 according to your instructions and uplaud to get the following information:
    I am a novice at Arduino projects.
    Install ESP8266 according to your instructions and uplaud to get the following information:
    warning: espcomm_sync failed
    error: espcomm_open failed
    error: espcomm_upload_mem failed
    error: espcomm_upload_mem failed

    Please help.

    Best Regaeds

    Blagoja Andonoski

  6. Sketch uses 222,241 bytes (44%) of program storage space. Maximum is 499,696 bytes.
    Global variables use 31,576 bytes (38%) of dynamic memory, leaving 50,344 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 81,920 bytes.
    warning: espcomm_sync failed
    error: espcomm_open failed
    error: espcomm_upload_mem failed
    error: espcomm_upload_mem failed

  7. Hi Rui!

    I have NodeMCU installed on my ESP-01.
    Can’t I use Arduino IDE with it? If I can then how? if I can’t than what shall I do to be able to use Arduino IDE?


  8. Thank you Mr.Rui. I followed your instructions in this tutorial, but I have this error message:

    “/bin/xtensa-1×106-elf-g++ ” not found
    Error compiling for board Generic ESP6266 module
    Build options changed, rebuilding all
    exec: “/bin/xtensa-lx106-elf-g++”: file does not exist
    Error compiling for board Generic ESP8266 Module.

    This report would have more information with
    “Show verbose output during compilation”
    option enabled in File -> Preferences.

  9. Hi

    I want to use 2 esp s and two arduino one of them will act as a server and the other is client to control my combi using a relay. One of them will get the temperature of my room by means of dht22 and send it to other when it’s below the temperature I want the other esp will take the information and trigger the relay. How can I do this?

  10. Found your site. And have an Adafruit ESP8266 board (
    Loaded your code and it works straight away!
    Don’t need any external LEDs, your code will turn the red & blue LEDs off and on. Just need to reverse the HIGH / LOW in the socket On / Off calls.
    Thanks for the excellent post!


  11. I’m using the Arduino IDE version 1.8.5 with a Windows computer, Arduino UNO, and an ESP8266-01. I tried uploading the blink_led_8266 sketch. The IDE keeps reporting that it “can not compile”. I can’t figure out what is going on. When I go back to an old version IDE I can upload sketches without any problem. Any ideas?

    • Hi Robert.
      Have you installed the ESP8266 board in the new version of Arduino IDE 1.8.5?
      Having two versions of Arduino IDE may cause conflicts, because you may think you’re running one version instead of the other.
      You need to install the ESP8266 board in both versions, if you want to keep them both installed.

      • Hi Sara,
        I installed the Arduino IDE 1.8.5 on another computer with Windows 10.
        The error message that I’m getting is as follows:
        Warning: espcomm_send_command: wrong direction/command:
        0x00 0x8, expected 0x01 0x08
        Warning: espcomm_sync failed
        Error: espcomm_open failed
        Error: espcomm_upload_mem failed

        I get the Arduino and the ESP8266 to respond to the uploading of the sketch by seeing the Arduino led flash and also the blue led on the ESP8266 flash.

        Where do I go from here? I’m going to order an FTDI programmer to see if that makes a difference rather then using the Arduino UNO.
        Let me know what you think.
        Thank you.

        • I would recommend using an FTDI, and that should solve your problem, but an Arduino Uno should also work.
          That error means that your computer is not making a serial connection with your ESP8266.
          You need to double check the TX and RX connections.
          You might also need to reboot your ESP while GPIO 0 is connected to GND, to ensure that your ESP boots in uploading mode.
          I hope this helps.

  12. Great! Thank you very much!
    The thing is my laptop said it was downloading something the first time I plugged the board, but I didn’t check what the result was. Thanks again!


    • Did you ever figure this out? I had no problem with the ESP32 board manager, but the same fail as you for ESP8266 board manager.

  13. Ok I have tried everything under the sun(internet searches) I keep getting the same message Arduino: 1.8.13 (Mac OS X), Board: “NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module), 80 MHz, Flash, Disabled (new can abort), All SSL ciphers (most compatible), 4MB (FS:none OTA:~1019KB), v2 Lower Memory, Disabled, None, Only Sketch, 57600”

    /private/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/AppTranslocation/898E1FD5-7C13-486F-8EB4-BF2FCC9AB98A/d/ -dump-prefs -logger=machine -hardware /private/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/AppTranslocation/898E1FD5-7C13-486F-8EB4-BF2FCC9AB98A/d/ -hardware /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages -tools /private/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/AppTranslocation/898E1FD5-7C13-486F-8EB4-BF2FCC9AB98A/d/ -tools /private/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/AppTranslocation/898E1FD5-7C13-486F-8EB4-BF2FCC9AB98A/d/ -tools /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages -built-in-libraries /private/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/AppTranslocation/898E1FD5-7C13-486F-8EB4-BF2FCC9AB98A/d/ -libraries /Users/Owner/Documents/Arduino/libraries -fqbn=esp8266:esp8266:nodemcuv2:xtal=80,vt=flash,exception=disabled,ssl=all,eesz=4M,ip=lm2f,dbg=Disabled,lvl=None____,wipe=none,baud=57600 -vid-pid=0000_0000 -ide-version=10813 -build-path /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711 -warnings=default -build-cache /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_cache_622285 -prefs=build.warn_data_percentage=75 -verbose /Users/Owner/Documents/Arduino/sketch_jul17cb/sketch_jul17cb.ino
    /private/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/AppTranslocation/898E1FD5-7C13-486F-8EB4-BF2FCC9AB98A/d/ -compile -logger=machine -hardware /private/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/AppTranslocation/898E1FD5-7C13-486F-8EB4-BF2FCC9AB98A/d/ -hardware /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages -tools /private/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/AppTranslocation/898E1FD5-7C13-486F-8EB4-BF2FCC9AB98A/d/ -tools /private/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/AppTranslocation/898E1FD5-7C13-486F-8EB4-BF2FCC9AB98A/d/ -tools /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages -built-in-libraries /private/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/AppTranslocation/898E1FD5-7C13-486F-8EB4-BF2FCC9AB98A/d/ -libraries /Users/Owner/Documents/Arduino/libraries -fqbn=esp8266:esp8266:nodemcuv2:xtal=80,vt=flash,exception=disabled,ssl=all,eesz=4M,ip=lm2f,dbg=Disabled,lvl=None____,wipe=none,baud=57600 -vid-pid=0000_0000 -ide-version=10813 -build-path /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711 -warnings=default -build-cache /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_cache_622285 -prefs=build.warn_data_percentage=75 -verbose /Users/Owner/Documents/Arduino/sketch_jul17cb/sketch_jul17cb.ino
    Using board ‘nodemcuv2’ from platform in folder: /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0
    Using core ‘esp8266’ from platform in folder: /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0
    /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/python3/3.7.2-post1/python3 /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/ –build_path /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711 –platform_path /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0 –version unix-2.6.0
    fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
    Detecting libraries used…
    /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc/2.5.0-4-b40a506/bin/xtensa-lx106-elf-g++ -D__ets__ -DICACHE_FLASH -U__STRICT_ANSI__ -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/include -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/lwip2/include -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/libc/xtensa-lx106-elf/include -I/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/core -c -w -Os -g -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -fno-rtti -falign-functions=4 -std=gnu++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -DNEW_OOM_ABORT -w -x c++ -E -CC -DNONOSDK22x_191024=1 -DF_CPU=80000000L -DLWIP_OPEN_SRC -DTCP_MSS=536 -DLWIP_FEATURES=1 -DLWIP_IPV6=0 -DARDUINO=10813 -DARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU -DARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 “-DARDUINO_BOARD=\”ESP8266_NODEMCU\”” -DFLASHMODE_DIO -DESP8266 -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/cores/esp8266 -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/variants/nodemcu /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch/sketch_jul17cb.ino.cpp -o /dev/null -DARDUINO_LIB_DISCOVERY_PHASE
    Generating function prototypes…
    /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc/2.5.0-4-b40a506/bin/xtensa-lx106-elf-g++ -D__ets__ -DICACHE_FLASH -U__STRICT_ANSI__ -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/include -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/lwip2/include -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/libc/xtensa-lx106-elf/include -I/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/core -c -w -Os -g -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -fno-rtti -falign-functions=4 -std=gnu++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -DNEW_OOM_ABORT -w -x c++ -E -CC -DNONOSDK22x_191024=1 -DF_CPU=80000000L -DLWIP_OPEN_SRC -DTCP_MSS=536 -DLWIP_FEATURES=1 -DLWIP_IPV6=0 -DARDUINO=10813 -DARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU -DARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 “-DARDUINO_BOARD=\”ESP8266_NODEMCU\”” -DFLASHMODE_DIO -DESP8266 -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/cores/esp8266 -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/variants/nodemcu /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch/sketch_jul17cb.ino.cpp -o /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/preproc/ctags_target_for_gcc_minus_e.cpp -DARDUINO_LIB_DISCOVERY_PHASE
    /private/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/AppTranslocation/898E1FD5-7C13-486F-8EB4-BF2FCC9AB98A/d/ -u –language-force=c++ -f – –c++-kinds=svpf –fields=KSTtzns –line-directives /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/preproc/ctags_target_for_gcc_minus_e.cpp
    Compiling sketch…
    /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/python3/3.7.2-post1/python3 /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/ –mode header –publickey /Users/Owner/Documents/Arduino/sketch_jul17cb/public.key –out /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/core/Updater_Signing.h
    /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc/2.5.0-4-b40a506/bin/xtensa-lx106-elf-g++ -D__ets__ -DICACHE_FLASH -U__STRICT_ANSI__ -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/include -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/lwip2/include -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/libc/xtensa-lx106-elf/include -I/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/core -c -Os -g -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -fno-rtti -falign-functions=4 -std=gnu++11 -MMD -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -DNEW_OOM_ABORT -DNONOSDK22x_191024=1 -DF_CPU=80000000L -DLWIP_OPEN_SRC -DTCP_MSS=536 -DLWIP_FEATURES=1 -DLWIP_IPV6=0 -DARDUINO=10813 -DARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU -DARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 “-DARDUINO_BOARD=\”ESP8266_NODEMCU\”” -DFLASHMODE_DIO -DESP8266 -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/cores/esp8266 -I/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/variants/nodemcu /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch/sketch_jul17cb.ino.cpp -o /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch/sketch_jul17cb.ino.cpp.o
    Compiling libraries…
    Compiling core…
    Using precompiled core: /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_cache_622285/core/core_38d1b48b8c77fb185041ca4ab7d7c526.a
    Linking everything together…
    /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc/2.5.0-4-b40a506/bin/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc -CC -E -P -DVTABLES_IN_FLASH /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/ld/ -o /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/
    /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc/2.5.0-4-b40a506/bin/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc -fno-exceptions -DNEW_OOM_ABORT -Wl,-Map -Wl,/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/ -g -Os -nostdlib -Wl,–no-check-sections -u app_entry -u _printf_float -u _scanf_float -Wl,-static -L/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/lib -L/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/lib/NONOSDK22x_191024 -L/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/ld -L/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/sdk/libc/xtensa-lx106-elf/lib -Teagle.flash.4m.ld -Wl,–gc-sections -Wl,-wrap,system_restart_local -Wl,-wrap,spi_flash_read -o /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch_jul17cb.ino.elf -Wl,–start-group /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch/sketch_jul17cb.ino.cpp.o /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_cache_622285/core/core_38d1b48b8c77fb185041ca4ab7d7c526.a -lhal -lphy -lpp -lnet80211 -llwip2-536-feat -lwpa -lcrypto -lmain -lwps -lbearssl -laxtls -lespnow -lsmartconfig -lairkiss -lwpa2 -lstdc++ -lm -lc -lgcc -Wl,–end-group -L/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711
    /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/python3/3.7.2-post1/python3 /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/ –eboot /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/bootloaders/eboot/eboot.elf –app /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch_jul17cb.ino.elf –flash_mode dio –flash_freq 40 –flash_size 4M –path /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc/2.5.0-4-b40a506/bin –out /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch_jul17cb.ino.bin
    Creating BIN file “/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch_jul17cb.ino.bin” using “/var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch_jul17cb.ino.elf”
    /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/python3/3.7.2-post1/python3 /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/ –mode sign –privatekey /Users/Owner/Documents/Arduino/sketch_jul17cb/private.key –bin /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch_jul17cb.ino.bin –out /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch_jul17cb.ino.bin.signed –legacy /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch_jul17cb.ino.bin.legacy_sig
    /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/python3/3.7.2-post1/python3 /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/ –elf /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch_jul17cb.ino.elf –path /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc/2.5.0-4-b40a506/bin
    Executable segment sizes:
    IROM : 228344 – code in flash (default or ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR)
    IRAM : 26556 / 32768 – code in IRAM (ICACHE_RAM_ATTR, ISRs…)
    DATA : 1240 ) – initialized variables (global, static) in RAM/HEAP
    RODATA : 1520 ) / 81920 – constants (global, static) in RAM/HEAP
    BSS : 24896 ) – zeroed variables (global, static) in RAM/HEAP
    /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc/2.5.0-4-b40a506/bin/xtensa-lx106-elf-size -A /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch_jul17cb.ino.elf
    Sketch uses 257660 bytes (24%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1044464 bytes.
    Global variables use 27656 bytes (33%) of dynamic memory, leaving 54264 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 81920 bytes.
    /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/python3/3.7.2-post1/python3 /Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/ –chip esp8266 –port /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port –baud 57600 flash_id –end –chip esp8266 –port /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port –baud 57600 –before default_reset –after hard_reset write_flash 0x0 /var/folders/b0/79htx0t55l507ss77m0grkk40000gp/T/arduino_build_967711/sketch_jul17cb.ino.bin –end v2.7
    Serial port /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
    Connecting…….._____….._____….._____….._____….._____….._____…..____Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/”, line 25, in
    File “/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/esptool/”, line 2841, in main
    File “/Users/Owner/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.0/tools/esptool/”, line 483, in connect
    raise FatalError(‘Failed to connect to %s: %s’ % (self.CHIP_NAME, last_error))
    esptool.FatalError: Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header
    esptool.FatalError: Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header


  14. Hello I am using ESP 8266 with Cayenne MQTT ESP8266 library on Arduino ide when I upload code, it connect with Wi-Fi and just run for 2 to 3 min and after that Wi-Fi connection and the code all just stop and ESP run its led blink code which I first run on it. kindly anyone tell me what I do.

  15. Hello Rui…!
    Hello Sara…!
    Thanks for this great tutorial.
    I’m using ESP-01. The code and everything works well. But only after plug out/in the CH_EN pin twice. and then the blue led of the board will slightly shine.
    Is there any explanation?
    Thanks in advance!!
    Best regards.


  16. Hi There I have still not heard re the problem I am having so just can use the esp8266 – uploading your test program produces a message saying “hard resetting via RTS pin” – this message never clears so I cant continue – can you help please

    • Hi Malcom.
      That’s the usual message that you get after uploading the code.
      Simply press the board RST button so that it starts running the code from the start.

  17. Hi Rui & Sara,
    I’m trying to get this to work, but something’s off.
    I loaded the libraries (add ZIP library) but when I want to install the ESP Daily Task library (“esp daily task” in edit box), the Library Manager window stays blank. Tried restarting the IDE to no avail. Is there something I’m missing?
    Thanks in advance for your reaction.
    Kind regards,

      • Hi Sara,
        When I do that I get the message: “A library named ESPDailyTask-master already exists”
        When I open the boards manager I get: “Could not find boards.txt in C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.6. Is it pre-1.5?”
        There is a 1.0.4 directory in which the boards.txt file is present, but there are no entries for the ESP8266 in that file.
        In the 1.0.4 directory there are a bunch of subdirectories (cares, libraries, tools, variants) and some files (boards.txt, platform.txt, programmers.txt). In the 1.0.6 directory just one subdirectory (libraries), in which there is a path with empty subdirectories (except for a single subdirectory: C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.6\libraries\ESP32\examples\Camera\CameraWebServer-the 4 Camerwebserver files-).
        If I UNZIP the library file there’s not much in there: 2 subdirectories (examples and src) and 3 files: keywords.txt,, README.adoc.
        What would be the next step?
        Thanks in advance.

          • Hi.
            Are you sure you don’t have the library already installed?
            That’s what the error message is saying.
            If you are not able to solve the issue, it is better to uninstall Arduino IDE, delete all related folders, and try to install everything from the start.

  18. Hi,
    The error message says that the library is already installed.
    I have uninstalled the Arduino IDE, removed all directories and entries in the Registry. Reinstalled the IDE (version 1.8.15) and went through all the steps above. When entering “esp daily task” in the library manager I still get a blank screen.
    I have no idea what to do next…

      • Yes, I keep doing that and I invariably get the message: “A library named ESPDailyTask-master already exists”.
        With always the same result: a blank screen in the Library Manager.

        • Hi Frank,
          THE HARD WAY,
          I had some problems compiling a program when the compile complain about a library.
          What i did , took longer but solved the problem.
          Here you find ALL arduino versions.
          Select one version previous yours, which ever you want.
          Download and start install.
          You get the message that the present version will be removed.
          Say YES
          Install older version.
          Do not compile to waste your time.
          Now, download the version you had, and do again a clean install (remove old and install new)
          Install library as Sara sugested.
          Bingo, no more errors messages.
          I had the problem, before. Now no more.
          Also, during the development of the project avoid doing an upgrade of software or boards.
          If it is compile, don’t change until project is finished.
          Good luck.

  19. Hi. There are cheap ESP8266 modules in the market that wanted to use as controllers of other RF modules. How can I make sure in such case that wifi does not cause any trouble or is preferably totally shut down?

  20. Hi Sara,
    after years of good functioning ESP8266 disappeared from the list of mi Arduino IDE 1.8.5.
    Is ESP8266 down?

    • Hi.
      That’s weird…
      Are you sure you’re not using another arduino version you have on your computer?
      Maybe it is better to start with a fresh install…

  21. Hello. Is anyone working with the Wemos D1 Mini V4.0.0 I don’t see this type in the board selection list of Arduinio ide.
    How can I install that board.
    Or am I doing something completely wrong.
    I can put software in it, but the serial port gives strange characters.
    My other esp8266 types work.
    Thank you in advance.

      • Hello Sara.
        Yes it is a Wemos D1 Mini V4.0.0 .
        But the problem lay elsewhere than I expected.
        It took a lot of time and I still don’t fully understand what was really wrong with Arduino IDE.
        At one point I simply reinstalled the ESP8266 software.
        Now it works as it should and remains stable. This is the same version as before.
        I then choose LOLIN(WEMOS)D1 R2&mini as upload option.
        Thank you for thinking along.
        Old man Bertran.

  22. What could be the problem trying to install esp8266 board on Arduino, but Arduino displaying ‘error download’.
    I would appreciate your response Sir.


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