Install ESP32 Filesystem Uploader in Arduino IDE

The ESP32 contains a Serial Peripheral Interface Flash File System (SPIFFS). SPIFFS is a lightweight filesystem created for microcontrollers with a flash chip, which is connected by SPI bus, like the ESP32 flash memory. In this article we’re going to show how to easily upload files to the ESP32 filesystem using a plugin for Arduino IDE.

Install ESP32 Filesystem Uploader in Arduino IDE

Using Arduino IDE 2.0? Follow this tutorial instead: Arduino IDE 2: Install ESP32 LittleFS Uploader (Upload Files to the Filesystem)

Note: if you have an ESP8266 board, read: Install ESP8266 NodeMCU LittleFS Filesystem Uploader in Arduino IDE.

If you’re using VS Code with the PlatformIO extension, read the following tutorial instead:

Table of Contents

Introducing SPIFFS

SPIFFS lets you access the flash memory like you would do in a normal filesystem in your computer, but simpler and more limited. You can read, write, close, and delete files. At the time of writing this post, SPIFFS doesn’t support directories, so everything is saved on a flat structure.

Using SPIFFS with the ESP32 board is especially useful to:

With SPIFFS, you can write the HTML and CSS in separate files and save them on the ESP32 filesystem. Check the following tutorial to learn how to build a web server with files stored on the ESP32 file system:

Installing the Arduino ESP32 Filesystem Uploader

You can create, save and write files to the ESP32 filesystem by writing the code yourself on the Arduino IDE. This is not very useful, because you’d have to type the content of your files in the Arduino sketch.

Fortunately, there is a plugin for the Arduino IDE that allows you to upload files directly to the ESP32 filesystem from a folder on your computer. This makes it really easy and simple to work with files. Let’s install it.

Note: at the time of writing this post, the ESP32 Filesystem Uploader plugin is not supported on Arduino 2.0.

First, make sure you have the ESP32 add-on for the Arduino IDE. If you don’t, follow the next tutorial:

Windows Instructions

Follow the next steps to install the filesystem uploader if you’re using Windows:

1) Go to the releases page and click the file to download.

Download ESP32 SPIFFS Filesystem fs for Arduino IDE

2) Find your Sketchbook location. In your Arduino IDE, go to File > Preferences and check your Sketchbook location. In my case, it’s in the following path: C:\Users\sarin\Documents\Arduino.

Arduino sketchbook location

3) Go to the sketchbook location, and create a tools folder.

creating tools folder sketchbook folder SPIFFS

4) Unzip the downloaded .zip folder. Open it and copy the ESP32FS folder to the tools folder you created in the previous step. You should have a similar folder structure:

install filesystem plugin folder structure

5) Finally, restart your Arduino IDE.

To check if the plugin was successfully installed, open your Arduino IDE. Select your ESP32 board, go to Tools and check that you have the option “ESP32 Sketch Data Upload“.

ESP32 Sketch Data Upload Arduino IDE SPIFFS FS Filesystem


Follow the next instructions if you’re using MacOS X.

1) Go to the releases page and click the file to download.

Download ESP32 SPIFFS Filesystem fs for Arduino IDE

2) Unpack the files.

3) Create a folder called tools in /Documents/Arduino/.

4) Copy the unpacked ESP32FS folder to the tools directory. You should have a similar folder structure.

Install SPIFFS ESP32 Mac OS X folder structure

5) Finally, restart your Arduino IDE.

To check if the plugin was successfully installed, open your Arduino IDE. Select your ESP32 board, go to Tools and check that you have the option “ESP32 Sketch Data Upload“.

ESP32 Data Sketch Upload Menu Arduino IDE Mac OS

Uploading Files using the Filesystem Uploader

To upload files to the ESP32 filesystem follow the next instructions.

1) Create an Arduino sketch and save it. For demonstration purposes, you can save an empty sketch.

2) Then, open the sketch folder. You can go to Sketch > Show Sketch Folder. The folder where your sketch is saved should open.

Arduino IDE Show Sketch folder to create data folder

3) Inside that folder, create a new folder called data.

ESP32 Arduino Sketch Example File Filesystem fs SPIFFS

4) Inside the data folder is where you should put the files you want to save into the ESP32 filesystem. As an example, create a .txt file with some text called test_example.

ESP32 Notepad Test Example File Filesystem fs SPIFFS

5) Then, to upload the files, in the Arduino IDE, you just need to go to Tools > ESP32 Sketch Data Upload.

ESP32 Sketch Data Upload Arduino IDE SPIFFS FS Filesystem

The uploader will overwrite anything you had already saved in the filesystem.

Note: in some ESP32 development boards you need to press the on-board BOOT button when you see the “Connecting …….____……” message.

SPIFFS Image Connecting to ESP32 board

The files were successfully uploaded to the ESP32 filesystem when you see the message “SPIFFS Image Uploaded“.

SPIFFS Image Uploaded to ESP32 board

Testing the Uploader

Now, let’s just check if the file was actually saved into the ESP32 filesystem. Simply upload the following code to your ESP32 board.

  Rui Santos
  Complete project details at  

#include "SPIFFS.h"
void setup() {
    Serial.println("An Error has occurred while mounting SPIFFS");
  File file ="/test_example.txt");
    Serial.println("Failed to open file for reading");
  Serial.println("File Content:");
void loop() {


View raw code

After uploading, open the Serial Monitor at a baud rate of 115200. Press the ESP32 “ENABLE/RST” button. It should print the content of your .txt file on the Serial Monitor.

ESP32 SPIFFS FS Filesystem Example Arduino IDE Serial Monitor

You’ve successfully uploaded files to the ESP32 filesystem using the plugin.

Wrapping Up

Using the filesystem uploader plugin is one of the easiest ways to upload files to the ESP32 filesystem. Check the following project to see how to build a web server using HTML and CSS files stored on the filesystem: ESP32 Web Server using SPIFFS (SPI Flash File System).

Another way to save data permanently is using the ESP32 Preferences library. It is especially useful to save data as key:value pairs in the flash memory. Check the following tutorial:

For more projects with ESP32, check the following resources:

Learn how to build a home automation system and we’ll cover the following main subjects: Node-RED, Node-RED Dashboard, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, ESP8266, MQTT, and InfluxDB database DOWNLOAD »
Learn how to build a home automation system and we’ll cover the following main subjects: Node-RED, Node-RED Dashboard, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, ESP8266, MQTT, and InfluxDB database DOWNLOAD »

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125 thoughts on “Install ESP32 Filesystem Uploader in Arduino IDE”

  1. You stated that “After uploading, open the Serial Monitor at a baud rate of 115200. Press the ESP32 “ENABLE” button.”

    Just where is this ESP32 “ENABLE” button located?

    My sketch does not show any of the test data from the text file. It does print out “File Content:”. But nothing elese.

    And even when I deliberately rename the file in the sketch to something else, it does not tell me that “Failed to open file for reading” but still displays “File Content:” with nothing else.

    I am using Arduino 1.8.5 on Windows 10

  2. Boa tarde!

    Será possível através dos SPIFFS controlar os GPIO do ESP32? Ou seja, eu quero gravar um ficheiro de configuração (formato json) onde indico que pinos desejo ler os dados de sensores do meu ESP32, quando ele arrancar vai ler esse ficheiro.


    Francisco Pinheiro

  3. So far I haven’t been successful uploading additional files.“[FilePath]”) always returns true whether or not the file was uploaded.
    SPIFFS.exists(“[FilePath]”) return false whether or not the file was included in the /data directory.

    Mac OS 10.14.5
    Arduino IDE 1.8.9
    On an ESP32
    Using Arduino IDE > Tools > Board > ESP32 Dev Module

    • Hi Carl.
      I’ve never faced that issue.
      Unfortunately, without further information, it is very difficult to understand what might be wrong.
      If anyone knows a solution for this, please help.

  4. Hi: I’m trying to install ESP32 filesystem uploader into the Arduino IDE 1.8.5. I have the esp32fs.jar in this path: Macintosh HD⁩ ▸ ⁨Users⁩ ▸ ⁨richardromig⁩ ▸ ⁨Dropbox⁩ ▸ ⁨Arduino IDE 1.8.5⁩ ▸ ⁨Tools⁩ ▸ ⁨ESP32FS⁩ ▸ ⁨tool⁩ but the option “ESP32 Sketch Data Upload“ does not appear in the IDE. I am running MacOS 10.14.6 Any suggestions?

    • yes, I copied-pasted the file esp32fs.jar in creating some folders like this : Macintosh HD⁩ ▸ ⁨Utilisateurs⁩ ▸ ⁨MyName ▸ ⁨Documents⁩ ▸ ⁨Arduino⁩ ▸ ⁨tools⁩ ▸ ⁨ESP32FS⁩ ▸ ⁨tool⁩ ▸ esp32fs.jar and the option “ESP32 Sketch Data Upload“ appear in the IDE.

      macOS Mojave 10.14.6

  5. Very important for linux users! I create in data folder text file. Then I do same, but I dont see file content (nothing wrong, just dont see characters). Then I try to rename file to like this “test_example.txt”. And it works! In linux, mostly txt file is not txt file.

  6. Hi.
    Richard , I had the same problem. But creating a Tools folder under the Sketch folder and placing the ESP32FS⁩ there did the trick.-Not the first time something like this comes up.

    • Thanks, I tried all of the other options mentioned and they didn’t work. Yours, however, did work. Many thanks. I’m migrating from Windows to Mac and things are a bit different. I also had to move by library folder into the sketches folder.

  7. I had a problem when I installed the ESP32 filesystem uploader in a new tools folder where all my arduino archives are kept. It didn’t install properly.
    However, it worked when I installed the uploader to Local Disk(c:), Program Files(x86), Arduino, tools folder.
    Just make sure a data folder is in the same folder as your arduino code.

  8. For those who had problem when uploading and got error code :

    serial.serialutil.SerialException: could not open port ‘COM3’: WindowsError(5, ‘Access is denied.’)

    Turn your serial monitor or plotter off. I hope it helps…
    Source : Stupid mistake I made.

  9. I am having zero luck with this.

    I can upload the SPIFFS file the first time and then thereafter I get:

    [SPIFFS] data : /Users/davidh/Documents/Arduino/spiffs-check/data
    [SPIFFS] start : 2686976
    [SPIFFS] size : 1472
    [SPIFFS] page : 256
    [SPIFFS] block : 4096
    [SPIFFS] upload : /var/folders/n1/59y24n0j2z128fchsgxh1f5w0000gn/T/arduino_build_804785/spiffs-check.spiffs.bin
    [SPIFFS] address: 2686976
    [SPIFFS] port : /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
    [SPIFFS] speed : 921600
    [SPIFFS] mode : dio
    [SPIFFS] freq : 80m v2.6
    Serial port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “”, line 2959, in
    File “”, line 2952, in _main
    File “”, line 2652, in main
    File “”, line 222, in init
    File “serial/”, line 88, in serial_for_url
    File “serial/”, line 268, in open
    serial.serialutil.SerialException: [Errno 16] could not open port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART: [Errno 16] Resource busy: ‘/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART’
    Failed to execute script esptool
    SPIFFS Upload failed!

    If I restart the Arduino application it uploads. However running the SPIFFS read test program always comes up with failed to open file for reading.

    So issues with upload and with reading.

  10. I am not having much luck with the web servers using the SPIFF. I am using Arduino V1.8.13. When I try to include the .zip library ESP32FS-1.0 I always get the error message: “TTGO LoRa32-OLED V1, 80MHz, 921600, None”
    “Specified folder/zip file does not contain a valid library”

    I am wondering if the LoraESP32 board supports ESP32FS.

    • Hi Brian.
      Where are you trying to include the filesystem uploader?
      It shouldn’t be in the project folder.
      The data folder should be in the project folder.
      You’re probably not installing the uploader plugin properly.

    • 1.) I download
      2.) In Arduino IDE, I go to: Sketch -> Include Library-> Add .zip Library
      3.) I choose from my download folder.
      4.) I get the following error message at the bottom of the IDE:

      “Specified folder/zip file does not contain a valid library” with an orange background.

      The newer versions of Arduino IDE do not have a Tool folder like the previous versions.
      Should I maybe just unzip the outside of the Arduino IDE and place the .jar file in a Tool folder that I create myself?
      Many thanks for your help!

  11. Hello Sara,
    Thank you very much for this tutorial and it worked well for me, but when I opened the serial monitor, after the sketch had been down loaded, it was blank. However, I realized that the text had been and gone before I opened the monitor and I just pressed the reset button on the ESP32 board and up came the text as you specified. I wonder is this would be of help to the gentleman who seemed to have similar problems.

    I was so pleased that this worked for me as yesterday evening I had been trying for hours to try and get LittleFS working without success and I spotted your tutorial, like a life belt to a drowning man.
    Kindest regards

  12. Hi Rui and Sara,

    A slight word of warning/note: The uploader will overwrite anything you had already saved in the filesystem. For me, not a big deal since it was just some test files for an ESP32-based shell/file editor I’ve been working on. But in a production environment where I might be saving config files and runtime data, this would be an issue.

    You might wish to note this in the text of the tutorial (unless I missed it!!).


  13. For those who struggling on Mac.
    Make a folder, “tools” inside Arduino directory.
    Then, move downloaded folder to “tools” folder
    Finally, you should change the the name of the folder from “ESP32FS 2” to “ESP32Fs”.
    Now, you may find “ESP32 Sketch Data Upload” at the tools bar.

  14. Hi Rui et al,
    Great project!
    I’m quite new in the field, please help me out:
    I’m getting the “expected unqualified-id before ‘<‘ token
    ” error while trying to compile the code, line 23 ().
    Where should I dig?

    • Hi.
      that is a syntax error.
      Double-check that you have copied the complete code and that you haven’t inserted any character by mistake.

  15. Thank you. I looked at many sites for instructions for installing “Sketch Data Upload” plugins. This is the only site that gave the correct folder location for Windows 10. Thanks again. You are always the best source for information about ESP devices.

  16. Hi Rui and Sara,
    Very good your tutorial on ElegantOTA library. Congratulations!
    I wonder if there is any way or library to do a remote update, that is, I am in one place and ESP32 is in another.

  17. I have a SPIFFS based webserver (based in your post on that).
    I want to and a settings file to store wifi crefentials etc. But if I do that next time I upload the SPIFFS image I loose all settings stored on my settings file. Is there a way to keep the settings?

  18. I was able to do this to get SPIFFS working, but I was hoping that it could show how to log a temperature and light (LDR) reading or some couple of sensors.

    if you are going to do a follow-up, the next step would be data logging to SPIFFS

  19. I’m stuck ar this step:

    “3) Unzip the downloaded .zip folder to the Tools folder. You should have a similar folder structure:

    There’s no “tools” folder in Arduino for Mac.
    Where should it be placed then?

  20. Hi,
    I have installed Arduino 1.8.15. Then installed the ESP32FS downloaded from website and placed under C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\tools folder. After that I was able to see “ESP32 Sketch Data Upload” in my tools menu of IDE. But when I click there I get “SPIFFS Error: esptool not found!”

    My sketch folder is “C:\Users\jinda\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino\hardware\heltec\IRserver3” As I was reading the comments I tried putting the ESP32FS under the tools folder under IRserver3 but it still didn’t work. Any help please?

  21. I have Arduino IDE 1.8.16 from the Windows Store, not the version from Arduino website. I cannot locate the “Tools” folder anywhere to copy the plugin into. I am running latest update of Windows 10.

    Have checked /AppData/Local (no Arduino folders at all here), same for AppData/Roaming

    Have checked the Sketchbook location and the ArduinoData folder that sits next to that. Nowhere do I have a Tools folder!

    Has anyone else encountered this or have a solution as to where to copy the plugin for this version of the Arduino IDE?

  22. Perfect. Reinstalled from Arduino website and now I can have the tools folder, and the Data Uploader appears in the Tools menu in the IDE.

    Unable to actually do the upload however, as I get “SPIFFS Error: serial port not defined!” popping up as an error. I am using an AiThinker ESP32Cam board, which of course does not have a direct USB connection, and I think this might be the cause of the issue.

    Have you found a way to upload to SPIFFS on one of these ESP32Cam boards?

    I’ve never been able to get serial monitor to work with one of these ESP32Cam boards (but have with other ESP32 boards that have direct USB), so I’m wondering if there is a clever way to get Arduino IDE to recognise serial connection that would also enable upload to SPIFFS on an ESP32Cam?

    • Progress – managed to get SPIFFS upload to start but, it only gets as far as “Connecting…..___…..” then “A fatal error occured: Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header” then “SPIFFS Upload Failed”

      I discovered that other ESP32 boards have way more options in the tools menu than the AIThinker ESP32Cam has (like partition scheme for example). So as a test, I swapped from ESP32Cam to Wrover, then back again, and for some reason that allowed the serial port error to go away.

      • Hi.
        When you see the dots on the debugging window ….___….____ press the on-board RST button and it will upload the spiffs image.
        To be able to see the Serial Monitor, you must disconnect GPIO 0 from GND after uploading the code.

        • Thanks Sara – that has been an awesome help. Fixed two issues at once! When my project is complete I’ll send through the details. Have really enjoyed the tutorials, e-books and courses that you and Rui have made available.

  23. Hi,
    Thank you for the tutorial. I has been many learning from your tutorial.
    I have problem related ESP32 Sketch Data Upload plugin. Is it available for ubuntu 20.04 arduino ide?
    Thank you very much.


  24. Hi Sara

    Thanks a lot for those tutos and help you provide for all of us, you website is a reference to me before starting anything with ESP chip.

    I am under Win10 and Arduino 1.8.13

    I follow your instructions and createa tools folder before uncompressing the uploader and it works but:
    Now I am trying to upload on a ESP32-C3 dev module then got error message : v3.1
    Serial port COM11

    A fatal error occurred: This chip is ESP32-C3 not ESP32. Wrong –chip argument?
    SPIFFS Upload failed!

    Of course I check my setup to confirm I select the right chip in tools board selection

    Do you know if there is an other way to specify chip argument ?

  25. On ESP32 dev kit V1 i made also this at start of sketch : #include “FS.h”
    I have made a SPIFF manager where you can also transfer files from ESP32 to PC via Serial in binary mode, so your file/image is converted in Hex, copy this output on serial monitor and paste in a Notepad++, in Plugins/Converter of Notepad++ you see HEX to ASCII converter, use it and save result with original extension (so .bmp or .png ecc…), in this mode, if you save screenshots of ESP32 to SPIFF you can also transfer to PC (i am working for save display buffer, but various solutions online not work on my Ili9488 touch screen….need more work)

  26. Hello Sara.
    Your are my ESP32-Hero’s !! For each project i take a look at your website for technical support and knowledge. Mostly I find the anwsers on your website. But now I have a question about this subject SPIFFS. In the example you show Serial.write(; But how can I read a couple characters or read a line from the file and bring this into a variable or string ? Or did I miss this little part of the story ? Greetings Abraham.

    • Hi.
      At the moment, we don’t have any tutorials about different ways to handle files.
      You can use a function like the following, for example, that returns the first line written in a file:

      String readFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path){
      Serial.printf(“Reading file: %s\r\n”, path);

      File file =;
      if(!file || file.isDirectory()){
      Serial.println(“- failed to open file for reading”);
      return String();

      String fileContent;
      fileContent = file.readStringUntil(‘\n’);
      return fileContent;

      Just pass SPIFFS as the first argument and the filepath as a second argument to that function.


  27. Hi,
    Do you know of any way to upload data files to SPIFFS on ESP32-S2 based boards? “ESP32 Sketch Data Upload” in the Arduino IDE errors out when it finds the ESP32-S2 is being used.
    Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

  28. Hello, thanks for the great tutorial.
    I need to use SPIFFS on an external FLASH chip on a custom board based on an ESP32 pico. How could I do it?
    And if the uploader mentioned above to put under “Tools” doesn’t support external FLASH (only internal I guess), how should I upload the files? Do I have to create a custom partition? I don’t know how to tell SPIFFS to search from the extended memory.

    Thank you

      • No I mean a second FLASH chip that I add to a custom PCB where the ESP32 is mounted on. So I would like to upload with the tool my files to the second FLASH memory in SPIFFS, not the internal one on the ESP32.

    • Hi Fab,
      I Hope this message will find you well.
      I’ve been looking for hours(days!) for an answer of the question you have asked with no success.
      So i take the chance, since january you have found a way to do that(upload data to external chip) and maybe you will receive a notification from this website… Fred.

  29. SPIFFS doesn’t seem to be supported anymore. I am new to this so figuring it out with littleffs is a bit over my head 🙁

    • Hi.
      Try to unzip the esp32fs.jar file containing the plugin in Sketchbook location > tools > ESP32FS > tool folder.
      The Sketchbook location folder is defined in the Arduino IDE, by selecting File > Preferences.
      If the Arduino IDE is open, then Arduino IDE must be closed and restarted, and the Tools menu will then include the SP32 Sketch Data Upload option.

  30. When uploading the sketch data, the serial monitor window should NOT be open.
    Otherwise, there will be an error message stating that the upload failed. I spent some time googling for the info.

    Perhaps this post should be amended with such a warning for newbies.

    Not sure if anyone else encountered the same problem. Thought I just share the info.
    Otherwise, this was an enjoyable project.

  31. Hi Sara,
    As always, the tutorials on your site are the best!
    When I first saw Rui’s newsletter email I thought it was going to be for an html based files system. No worries, I found what I needed. However I do want to mention I use a file upload function on my website. It really makes it handy to upload specific files via Wi-Fi, only one at a time, when making small changes to a webpage or a saved variable. Or as in my case, a JSON data file.

  32. Hi.
    Is there a stand alone way tooad files on to the spiff drive and retrieve them without using the IDE or a Web interface.
    I am looking at how to have someone load their own data on to the SPIFF after I have programmed it for them.

  33. If you want upload and download from SPIFFS is more simple use a FTP server and a external FTP on PC (for example Total Commander with Local IP set and username/password same of Esp32) how show this example:

    #include <WiFi.h>
    #include “SPIFFS.h”
    #include <SimpleFTPServer.h>/* */

    const char* ssid = “WIFI SSID”;
    const char* password =”WIFI Password”;

    FtpServer ftpSrv; //set #define FTP_DEBUG in ESP8266FtpServer.h to see ftp verbose on serial

    void setup(void){
    WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

    // Wait for connection
    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.print(“Connected to “);
    Serial.print(“IP address: “);

    /////FTP Setup, ensure SPIFFS is started before ftp; /////////
    if (SPIFFS.begin(true)) {
    Serial.println(“SPIFFS opened!”);
    ftpSrv.begin(“Esp32″,”Esp32”); //username, password for ftp. set ports in ESP8266FtpServer.h (default 21, 50009 for PASV)
    void loop(void){
    ftpSrv.handleFTP(); //make sure in loop you call handleFTP()!!

    • HI and thanks.
      The people I am targetting are very non-computer.. So Telling them to set up their ESP32 for their Wifi is going to be beyond them.
      Think of it this way. An analogy..
      I am making a Photo shower using an ESP32 I want the end users to be able to add their own photos. I want to save costs on not having an SD card so the SPIFFS or the LITLTEFS would be ideal as an SD reader and an SD Card could add about $5 to the values.
      But an application that can talk to the ESP32 via a serial port would be much easier.
      Many thanks for replying

      • Dave, if you setup a webserver you can create a webpage to upload files. Search out littlefs file manager and fine tune to your needs. There is limited space so they might need to remove files to make room for new files.

  34. Im desperately trying to adopt v2.0 of the arduino ide but have been running into the issue of no spiffs upload tool support yet. Is there any possible way to invoke the spiffs upload tool from the command line such as how you can invoke the espytool uploader from the command line really easily?

  35. After upgrading to the 2.0 Ide and losing the ability to upload to SPIFFS, I just use the 1.8.13 version I have in a different directory. You can have both on your computer at the same time.
    I just make a directory structure in the older version with the correct format:


    Be sure to have the board you are using installed in the 1.8.13 version, and the addon ESP32FS tool explained in this post.

    Use this to upload the files to SPIFFS, then go back to the 2.0 ide to upload your sketch.
    It’s a hack, but works until there is a better solution.

    Thank you for the great tutorials.

  36. i used this tool on ESP32 a few years ago – i was hugely impressed.
    I went to load it on again, but the tutorial using SPIFFS is well out of date and misleading.

    Any chance of updating it to include littleFS or FTP or whatever the current solution is ?
    I just put a bunch of thermometers around my hot water cylinder – this app would have been perfect !!

    Thanks in advance.

  37. Hi Sara,
    Thanks for the instructions, unfortunately it fails for me (ESP32 WROOM):
    [SPIFFS] data : /home/iot/Cloud/Arduino/Basic/SPIFFS/data
    [SPIFFS] start : 2686976
    [SPIFFS] size : 1472
    [SPIFFS] page : 256
    [SPIFFS] block : 4096
    [SPIFFS] upload : /tmp/arduino_build_122560/SPIFFS.spiffs.bin
    [SPIFFS] address: 2686976
    [SPIFFS] port : /dev/ttyUSB0
    [SPIFFS] speed : 921600
    [SPIFFS] mode : dio
    [SPIFFS] freq : 80m

    SPIFFS Upload failed!
    I am using the Ubuntu OS, do you know if I have to anything different for Linux?

  38. Hi, can you please advise
    I uploaded Data the sketch
    Everything appeared to be correct
    However the ESP32 failed to reconnect as server and did not appear on the connected WiFi
    Com5 message:
    rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
    configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
    mode:DIO, clock div:1
    ho 0 tail 12 room 4
    entry 0x400806b4
    ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57

    rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
    configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
    mode:DIO, clock div:1
    ho 0 tail 12 room 4
    entry 0x400806b4
    E (65) psram: PSRAM ID read error: 0xffffffff
    SPIFFS mounted successfully
    Reading file: /ssid.txt
    Reading file: /pass.txt
    Reading file: /ip.txt
    Reading file: /gateway.txt
    Connecting to WiFi…

  39. Settings:
    Flash frequency “80 Mhz”, Flash mode “QIO”, Flash size “4Mb”,
    Partition scheme “Default 4 Mb with spiffss (1.2 mb APP/ 1.5 mb spiffs)”, PSRAM “Enabled”

  40. Is it possible to access the file in ESP-32 SPIFFS from same network? Thinking to write file from ESP-32 and read from outside ESP-32. Possible? Thanks

  41. I’m trying to test this and others examples but the Arduino IDE take almost 20min to Compile the Sketch. It’s happen with somebody here?

  42. I just came here for a possible next project.
    My (first) problem is that I can not have the IDE (v.2.2.1) to detect the tools.
    I hopefully followed step-by-step your instructions and the file is located at:
    Restarting IDE the option ‘“ESP32 Sketch Data Upload“.’ never appears.
    I’m using an ESP32 Mini D1

  43. As the ESP32 Filesystem Uploader plugin is not supported on Arduino 2.0, temperature cannot update to data file. Is this maybe fixed in between? Maybe with Arduino 2.2?

    • Hi.
      Unfortunately, there isn’t yet a way to upload via Arduino 2.
      You can use Arduino 1.8.x, VS Code or the command line.
      Check this discussion:


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