Recently the ESP-IDF has been updated and with this new major version, there are some breaking changes in the API. In this guide, you’ll learn about all changes in the API and how you can migrate to the latest version.
This guide covers the changes from ESP32 board add-on versions 2.X (based on ESP-IDF 4.4) to version 3.0 (based on ESP-IDF 5.1) of the Arduino ESP32 core – you can find more information in the official migration guide.
If you’ve recently updated your ESP32 boards add-on to version 3.0 and now you get compilation errors in your code, then you need to check this guide.
Checking Your ESP32 Board Version Installed
First, you need to check which version of the ESP32 boards you have installed in your Arduino IDE. Go to Tools > Board and select the Boards Manager… option.

Then, search for “ESP32” by Espressif Systems and check which version you have installed in your Arduino IDE – if your installation is up to date, you should have version 3.0.X.

Important: in the upcoming weeks, all the code available in our ESP32 Projects on Random Nerd Tutorials will be updated to be compatible with version 3.0. In the meantime, if your code is not compiling due to this recent change, you can downgrade your ESP32 boards add-on to version 2.0.17 to ensure your code compiles and runs properly.

Table of Contents
Here’s a summary of the changes. For the complete list of changes, check the official migration guide.
- Hall Sensor
- WiFi – Functional Changes
- WiFi Event Name – Changes
- I2S
- SigmaDelta
- Timer
- UART (HardwareSerial)
ADC – Removed APIs
- analogSetClockDiv
- adcAttachPin
- analogSetVRefPin
BLE – Changes in APIs
- Changed APIs return and parameter type from std::string to Arduino style String.
- Changed UUID data type from uint16_t to BLEUUID class.
- BLEScan::start and BLEScan::getResults methods return type changed from BLEScanResults to BLEScanResults*.
LEDC – Removed API
- ledcSetup
- ledcAttachPin
The LEDC API has been changed to support the Peripheral Manager and make it easier to use, as LEDC channels are now automatically assigned to pins (learn more about the new LEDC API).
- ledcAttach used to set up the LEDC pin (merged ledcSetup and ledcAttachPin functions).
- ledcOutputInvert used to attach the interrupt to a timer using arguments.
- ledcFade used to set up and start a fade on a given LEDC pin.
- ledcFadeWithInterrupt used to set up and start a fade on a given LEDC pin with an interrupt.
- ledcFadeWithInterruptArg used to set up and start a fade on a given LEDC pin with an interrupt using arguments.
You can now use analogWrite() to output a PWM signal. Pass as argument the GPIO, and the duty cycle.
void analogWrite(uint8_t pin, int value);
If using the ledcWrite() function, it now accepts only two arguments (the GPIO and the duty cycle).
bool ledcWrite(uint8_t pin, uint32_t duty);
You no longer need to assign a PWM channel. It will be automatically attributed. If you want to assign a specific PWM channel, use ledcAttachChannel().
bool ledcAttachChannel(uint8_t pin, uint32_t freq, uint8_t resolution, int8_t channel);
LEDC – Changes in APIs
- ledcDetachPin renamed to ledcDetach.
- In all functions, input parameter channel has been changed to pin.
Hall Sensor – Removed API
- hallRead: Hall sensor is no longer supported.
WiFi – Functional Changes
- In Arduino (and other frameworks) the method named flush() is intended to send out the transmit buffer content. WiFiClient and WiFiUDP method flush() won’t clear the receive buffer anymore. A new method called clear() is now used for that. Currently flush() does nothing in WiFiClient, WiFiClientSecure and WiFiUDP.
- WiFiServer has functions accept() and available() with the same functionality. In Arduino, available() should work differently so it is now deprecated.
- WiFiServer had unimplemented write functions inherited from Print class. These are now removed. Also unimplemented method stopAll() is removed. The methods were unimplemented because WiFiServer doesn’t manage connected WiFiClient objects for print-to-all-clients functionality.
WiFi Event Name – Changes
The names for the Wi-Fi events changed. These are the new events.
I2S – New API
The I2S driver has been completely redesigned and refactored to use the new ESP-IDF driver – I2S API.
RMT – Removed APIs
- _rmtDumpStatus
- rmtSetTick
- rmtWriteBlocking
- rmtEnd
- rmtBeginReceive
- rmtReadData
RMT – New APIs
For more information about the new RMT API.
- rmtSetEOT
- rmtWriteAsync
- rmtTransmitCompleted
- rmtSetRxMinThreshold
RMT – Changes in APIs
In all functions, input parameter rmt_obj_t* rmt has been changed to int pin.
- rmtInit return parameter changed to bool.
- rmtInit input parameter bool tx_not_rx has been changed to rmt_ch_dir_t channel_direction.
- rmtInit new input parameter uint32_t frequency_Hz to set frequency of RMT channel (as function rmtSetTick was removed).
- rmtWrite now sending data in blocking mode. It only returns after sending all data or through a timeout. For Async mode use the new rmtWriteAsync function.
- rmtWrite new input parameter uint32_t timeout_ms.
- rmtLoop renamed to rmtWriteLooping.
- rmtRead input parameters changed to int pin, rmt_data_t* data, size_t *num_rmt_symbols, uint32_t timeout_ms.
- rmtReadAsync input parameters changed to int pin, rmt_data_t* data, size_t *num_rmt_symbols.
- rmtSetRxThreshold renamed to rmtSetRxMaxThreshold and input parameter uint32_t value has been changed to uint16_t idle_thres_ticks.
- rmtSetCarrier input parameters uint32_t low, uint32_t high have been changed to uint32_t frequency_Hz, float duty_percent.
SigmaDelta – Removed APIs
- sigmaDeltaSetup
- sigmaDeltaRead
SigmaDelta – New APIs
SigmaDelta has been refactored to use the new ESP-IDF driver – SigmaDelta API.
- sigmaDeltaAttach used to set up the SigmaDelta pin (channel is acquired automatically).
- timerGetFrequency used to get the actual frequency of the timer.
- timerAttachInterruptArg used to attach the interrupt to a timer using arguments.
SigmaDelta – Changes in APIs
- sigmaDeltaDetachPin renamed to sigmaDeltaDetach.
- sigmaDeltaWrite input parameter channel has been changed to pin.
Timer – Removed APIs
- timerGetConfig
- timerSetConfig
- timerSetDivider
- timerSetCountUp
- timerSetAutoReload
- timerGetDivider
- timerGetCountUp
- timerGetAutoReload
- timerAlarmEnable
- timerAlarmDisable
- timerAlarmWrite
- timerAlarmEnabled
- timerAlarmRead
- timerAlarmReadMicros
- timerAlarmReadSeconds
- timerAttachInterruptFlag
Timer – New APIs
Timer has been refactored to use the new ESP-IDF driver and its API got simplified – new Timer API.
- timerAlarm used to set up Alarm for the timer and enable it automatically (merged timerAlarmWrite and timerAlarmEnable functions).
- timerGetFrequency used to get the actual frequency of the timer.
- timerAttachInterruptArg used to attach the interrupt to a timer using arguments.
Timer – Changes in APIs
- timerBegin has now only 1 parameter (frequency). There is an automatic calculation of the divider using different clock sources to achieve the selected frequency.
- timerAttachInterrupt has now only 2 parameters. The edge parameter has been removed.
UART (HardwareSerial) – Changes in APIs
- setHwFlowCtrlMode input parameter uint8_t mode has been changed to SerialHwFlowCtrl mode.
- setMode input parameter uint8_t mode has been changed to SerialMode mode.
UART (HardwareSerial) – Functional Changes
- Default pins for some SoCs have been changed to avoid conflicts with other peripherals: * ESP32’s UART1 RX and TX pins are now GPIO26 and GPIO27, respectively; * ESP32’s UART2 RX and TX pins are now GPIO4 and GPIO25, respectively; * ESP32-S2’s UART1 RX and TX pins are now GPIO4 and GPIO5, respectively.
- It is now possible to detach UART0 pins by calling end() with no previous call of begin().
- It is now possible to call setPins() before begin() or in any order.
- setPins() will detach any previous pins that have been changed.
- begin(baud, rx, tx) will detach any previous attached pins.
- setPins() or begin(baud, rx, tx) when called at first, will detach console RX0/TX0, attached in boot.
- Any pin set as -1 in begin() or setPins() won’t be changed nor detached.
- begin(baud) will not change any pins that have been set before this call, through a previous begin(baud, rx, tx) or setPin().
- If the application only uses RX or TX, begin(baud, -1, tx) or begin(baud, rx) will change only the assigned pin and keep the other unchanged.
Wrapping Up
If you’re using Arduino IDE 2, you probably already updated your ESP32 boards installation to version 3.0. There were breaking changes from version 2 to version 3. So, your old codes may no longer compile with this new version.
If that’s the case, you can try to use this guide to update your code to be compatible with the newest version, or you downgrade your installation to version 2.
We’ll be updating all our examples to be compatible with version 3 in the upcoming weeks.
It seems to me that the compiler has become even stricter again.
Some third-party libraries don’t compile under v3 yet.
Many liberals still cannot compile wiith 3.0.0 . I’d better wait for
newer 3.x.x release.
This ‘liberal’ has trouble compiling with ALL versions. At 84 I’m a SLOOW learner, but having fun.
Yes, because those libraries still use methods from version 2.
The library authors will have to update their libraries if they want to support the new arduino 3 framework.
Would it support Zigbee as well for the ESP32-C6 ?
could I use the published RandomNerd sketches also in the future if I do not update to v 3.x Please ?
Will published RandomNerd sketches prior to 3.0 be archived and available?
The ESP32 Cheap Yellow Display Board (ESP32‑2432S028R)
Has the ESP WROOM-32 processor
Which board do I select in the Arduino IDE?
Select ESP32 Dev Module.
That is quite some work you have done!
V3 has broken the MAC address as you’ll get 00:00:00:00:00:00 if you call “WiFi.macAddress()”. Went back to 2.0.17 and all works fine.
Just had a look and they have already got a 3.0.1 release as current build.
Might wait a bit longer as early builds are always buggy.
Also beware that that callback signatures of the ESP-NOW feature has changed. For example, the receiver callback’s first parameter is no longer the sender’s MAC address, but is now incorporated into the “info” payload.
Also beware that PlatformIO does not (yet?) support the version 3.0.0 framework so if you use both IDEs, as I do, you will be developing two versions of your code. So annoying.
My feedback for 3.0.1 board migration:
I plan to migrate my esp32 projects from board version 2.0.17 to latest 3.0.1.
I compiled two projects and they both are running under 3.0.1 too.
My migration changes had been:
1) analogSetClockDiv(1); –> api removed, so i commended the line
2) considering the refactored timer interface
Project 1 is using HardwareSerial, LittleFS, AsyncWebServer, HTTPClient, FTPServer, EEPROM, ArduinoOTA, WiFi, 1 ADC input reading
Project 2 additioanl uses I2C with two MCP23017, one RTC3029, RCSwitch Library
I measured the compile-time (project had been compiled at least two times as the first compiler run after arduino start lasts very long)
I am mostly worrying about the consumed resources:
Project 1 with 2.0.17: 1106733 Bytes (84%) Flash, 53364 Bytes (16%) RAM, compilation time 33s
Project 1 with 3.0.1: 1240177 Bytes (94%) Flash, 53364 Bytes (16%) RAM, compilation time 52s
Project 2 with 2.0.17: 1175833 Bytes (89%) Flash, 57024 Bytes (17%) RAM, compilation time 35s
Project 2 with 3.0.1: 1295809 Bytes (98%) Flash, 54132 Bytes (16%) RAM, compilation time 53s
flash usage in 3.0.1 increased very much! Possible i do have to consider the mensioned compiler flags “-MMD -c”, but do not know where to set up in arduino IDE.
Wow thanks,larger comepile size is a trouble as well. What if we compile a simple blink sketch(without including any library). The bin file size still be different?
I do not know. I repartitioned the flash to meet my needs(OTA increased, User filesystem decreased. Now my firmware is using about 70% of OTA partition.
It’s a good idea to update your tutorials but, please, leave the old 2.x versions available for download. I’m using some libraries in my projects that still need the old version. Do you have any idea how to setup ESP32 3.x parallel to ESP2.x on a Windows computer within the same user (using different Arduino 2.x setups ?) ?
Greetings Michael
You can go back and forth between versions. You just need to go to Tools > Boards Manager, search for ESP32 and unninstall/install the version you want to use at the time.
Hi Sara, Of course I could switch between version 2.x and 3.x, but that takes a lot of time on my (older) PC. I would like to run a second Arduino 2.x on my PC that runs e.g. ESP32 version 3.x and the first Arduino 2.x runs ESP32 version 2.x. I did not find any solution to run both “in parallel” within one PC/Windows user instance. Do you know about a way to do so. And again – it would be fine if you have a (GitHub) place for the older 2.x tutorial source codes for people like me who have to stay on 2.x. Thanks again and greetings. Michael
You don’t have to do anything special.
You just need to install the two versions of the IDE.
Then, on each IDE install the version you want to use.
We know all this. We are asking that you please leave up the old code.
Archive it, whatever. But PLEASE leave it up where people can still use it.
Thank you.
Do you have updated code for ESPNOW?
The data receive has changed as well as changing the MAC address.
I am trying to port a sketch from Arduino 1.8.19 and ESP32 1.0.4 by Espressif Systems.
TFT_eSPI library is broken too.
During compilation it mentions Zigbee and errors out.
I wish arduino ide would let two different versions of framework exist. I could not install both versions. Updating 2.x projects to 3.x projects seems like something we should not have to do.
With platformio there is a pio/esp-arduino framework that does seem to work well with version 3.x. The platform is configured in the platformio.ini file and is part of the project.
I don’t think that is something the developers would consider but there is a way to quickly change between two or more versions.
The board libraries are installed in “C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages” and I take a copy of the old ESP library before updating. Then after updating you can quickly swap back by closing the IDE swap the ESP32 folders back and restart.
It’s much quicker than doing it in the IDE
Spoiler alert, in the meantime it seems the current version has evolved to version 3.1.0 and the ESPAsyncWebServer.h library is broken in this version, it seems that the current status is to rollback to the previous version. When you run the ESP32 LED PWM webserver tutorial, it compiles in the Arduino IDE, runs on the device ESP32-S3-Dev1 but the serial monitor returns following error after displaying the IP of the board:
“assert failed: tcp_alloc /IDF/components/lwip/lwip/src/core/tcp.c:1851 (Required to lock TCPIP core functionality!)”
Looking for alternatives to the ESP32 platform, suggestions welcome.
Thanks for pointing that out.
I also noticed that issue.
At the moment, I don’t have a solution besides downgrading the ESP32 boards to version 3.0.7.
Please see the solution for this issue here:
Thank you, much appreciated