Welcome to our repository of electronics projects. We make electronics projects with ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino and Raspberry Pi related with Internet of Things and Home Automation. To help you discover our projects easier, we’ve compiled our most popular projects in one page by categories. Our projects have step-by-step instructions and we provide all the resources and information you need to build them.

Choose one of the categories below or scroll down this page for more!

The ESP32 is the ESP8266 successor loaded with lots of new features. The ESP32 is a development board that combines Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless capabilities, and itβs dual core. It is one of the best solutions for DIY Internet of Things Projects and DIY Smart Home Projects. With our course Learn ESP32 with Arduino IDE, anyone can learn how to build IoT projects in an easy way.
Here is a list with +20 free tutorials and projects with the ESP32.
Getting started guides
- Getting Started with ESP32 Dev Module
- Installing the ESP32 Board in Arduino IDE (Windows instructions)
- Installing the ESP32 Board in Arduino IDE (Mac and Linux instructions)
- ESP32 Pinout Reference: Which GPIO pins should you use?
- Getting Started with ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) on Arduino IDE
- ESP32 with LoRa using Arduino IDE β Getting Started
- ESP32 Troubleshooting Guide
- Programming ESP32 with Atom Text Editor and PlatformIO IDE
- Install ESP32 Filesystem Uploader on Arduino IDE
- ESP32 with DC Motor and L298N Motor Driver β Control Speed and Direction
- How to Use I2C LCD with ESP32 on Arduino IDE (ESP8266 compatible)
- Getting Date and Time with ESP32 on Arduino IDE (NTP Client)
- How to use ESP32 Dual Core with Arduino IDE
- ESP32 Flash Memory β Store Permanent Data (Write and Read)
- MicroPython: WS2812B Addressable RGB LEDs with ESP32 and ESP8266
Sensor-based projects
- Build an All-in-One ESP32 Weather Station Shield
- ESP32 with PIR Motion Sensor using Interrupts and Timers
- ESP32 Publish Sensor Readings to Google Sheets (ESP8266 Compatible)
- ESP32 with BMP180 Barometric Sensor β Guide
- ESP32 Data Logging Temperature to MicroSD Card
- ESP32 with Multiple DS18B20 Temperature Sensors
- How to Use I2C LCD with ESP32 on Arduino IDE (ESP8266 compatible)
- ESP32 Web Server with BME280 β Mini Weather Station
Web-based projects
- ESP32 Web Server β Arduino IDE
- ESP32 Servo Motor Web Server with Arduino IDE
- ESP32 with DHT11 DHT22 Temperature Humidity Web Server using Arduino IDE
- ESP32 Static/Fixed IP Address
- How to Set an ESP32 Access Point (AP) for Web Server
- ESP32 MQTT β Publish and Subscribe with Arduino IDE
- Build an All-in-One ESP32 Weather Station Shield
- Alexa (Echo) with ESP32 and ESP8266 β Voice Controlled Relay
- ESP32 Web Server with BME280 β Mini Weather Station
- ESP32 Web Server using SPIFFS (SPI Flash File System)
Data logging projects
- ESP32 Publish Sensor Readings to Google Sheets (ESP8266 Compatible)
- ESP32 Data Logging Temperature to MicroSD Card
- Getting Date and Time with ESP32 on Arduino IDE (NTP Client)
Other projects
Recommended premium course: Learn ESP32 with Arduino IDE

The ESP8266 is a $4 (up to $10) WiFi module with an ARM processor that is great for internet of things/home automation projects. You can quickly create a web server, send HTTP requests, control outputs, read inputs and interrupts, send emails, post tweets, etc. Learn how to make Home Automation Projects with the ESP8266.
Getting started guides
- Getting Started with ESP8266 WiFi Transceiver (Review)
- Flashing NodeMCU Firmware on the ESP8266 using Windows
- How to Install the ESP8266 Board in Arduino IDE
- ESP8266 OTA Updates with Arduino IDE | Over the Air
- Decoding and Encoding JSON with Arduino or ESP8266
- WiFiManager with ESP8266 β Autoconnect, Custom Parameter and Manage your SSID and Password
- ESP8266 Troubleshooting Guide
- ESP8266 ADC β Reading Analog Values with NodeMCU
- ESP8266 0.96 inch OLED Display with Arduino IDE
- How to Make Two ESP8266 Talk
- 7 Weekend Projects/Tutorials For the ESP8266 WiFi Module
- MicroPython: WS2812B Addressable RGB LEDs with ESP32 and ESP8266
IoT projects
- Hack a PIR Motion Sensor with an ESP8266
- Build a Multisensor Shield for ESP8266
- ESP8266 Multisensor Shield with Node-RED
- Build an ESP8266 Web Server β Code and Schematics
- ESP8266 Web Server with Arduino IDE
- Alexa (Echo) with ESP32 and ESP8266 β Voice Controlled Relay
- ESP8266 Wi-Fi Button β DIY Amazon Dash Button Clone
- ESP8266 Daily Task β Publish Temperature Readings to ThingSpeak
- Nextion Display with ESP8266 β Touchscreen User Interface for Node-RED
- ESP8266 Voltage Regulator (LiPo and Li-ion Batteries)
- ESP8266 Deep Sleep with Arduino IDE
- ESP8266 Weather Forecaster
- ESP8266 and Node-RED with MQTT (Publish and Subscribe)
- Posting a Tweet with the ESP8266
- Door Status Monitor using the ESP8266
- ESP8266 Publishing DHT22 Readings to SQLite Database
- ESP8266 Publishing DHT22 Readings with MQTT to Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi Publishing MQTT Messages to ESP8266
- $10 DIY WiFi RGB LED Mood Light with ESP8266
- ESP8266 DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Web Server with Arduino IDE
- ESP8266 DHT11/DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Web Server with Arduino IDE
- ESP8266 RGB Color Picker
- ESP8266 Controlled with Android App (MIT App Inventor)
- ESP8266 Remote Controlled Sockets
- How to Control Your ESP8266 From Anywhere in the World
- Retrieving Bitcoin Price Using ESP8266 WiFi Module
Other projects
Recommended premium course: Home Automation Using ESP8266

We create home automation projects using open-source hardware and software. We use ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino and Raspberry Pi. If you want to learn how to build a complete Home Automation System using Arduino, ESP8266 and the Raspberry Pi, consider taking a look at our course: Build a Home Automation System for $100.
Here is a list with +30 free home automation projects and tutorials:
Home automation
- Hack a PIR Motion Sensor with an ESP8266
- Raspberry Pi Motion Detector with Photo Capture
- Car Plate Recognition System with Raspberry Pi and Node-RED
- CCTV Raspberry Pi Based System with Storage using MotionEyeOS
- Control Sonoff Basic Switch with ESP Easy Firmware and Node-RED
- Reprogram Sonoff Smart Switch with Web Server
- Alexa (Echo) with ESP32 and ESP8266 β Voice Controlled Relay
- Build a Multisensor Shield for ESP8266
- ESP8266 Multisensor Shield with Node-RED
- ESP8266 Wi-Fi Button β DIY Amazon Dash Button Clone
- Nextion Display with ESP8266 β Touchscreen User Interface for Node-RED
- ESP8266 Publishing DHT22 Readings to SQLite Database
- ESP8266 Publishing DHT22 Readings with MQTT to Raspberry Pi
- ESP8266 β Wireless Weather Station with Data Logging to Excel
- Raspberry Pi Publishing MQTT Messages to ESP8266
- Node-RED with Xiaomi Mijia Bedside Lamp (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth)
- Node-RED with Xiaomi Yeelight RGBW Smart Bulb
- Node-RED with WS2812B Addressable RGB LED Strip
- Node-RED with Raspberry Pi Camera (Take Photos)
- Video Streaming with Raspberry Pi Camera
- ESP8266 and Node-RED with MQTT (Publish and Subscribe)
- Exporting and Backing Up your Node-RED Nodes
- What is MQTT and How It Works
- $10 DIY WiFi RGB LED Mood Light with ESP8266
- 9 Home Automation Open-Source Platforms for Your projects
- Build a Home Automation System for $100
- Control a 12V Lamp via SMS with Arduino
Getting started guides
- Getting Started with Node-RED on Raspberry Pi
- Getting Started with Node-RED Dashboard
- Getting Started with Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi
- Install MotionEyeOS on Raspberry Pi β Surveillance Camera System
- Guide to Raspberry Pi Camera V2 Module
- Sonoff β $5 WiFi Wireless Smart Switch Introduction
- How to Flash a Custom Firmware to Sonoff
Recommended premium course: Build a Home Automation System with Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, Arduino and Node-RED

The Raspberry Pi is a tiny and affordable computer that you can use to learn programming and electronics. It’s also a great board to make powerful home automation systems and IoT projects. If you’re just getting started with the Raspberry Pi and want to learn making cool projects right away, our “20 Easy Raspberry Pi Projects” Book is the best way to get started.
Here is a list with +25 free Raspberry Pi projects and tutorials:
Raspberry Pi projects with cameras
- Raspberry Pi Motion Detector with Photo Capture
- Car Plate Recognition System with Raspberry Pi and Node-RED
- CCTV Raspberry Pi Based System with Storage using MotionEyeOS
- Whatβs the Best Raspberry Pi Camera For Your Project?
- Install MotionEyeOS on Raspberry Pi β Surveillance Camera System
- Node-RED with Raspberry Pi Camera (Take Photos)
- Video Streaming with Raspberry Pi Camera
Raspberry Pi and Node-RED
- Getting Started with Node-RED Dashboard
- Turn Your Raspberry Pi Zero into a USB Keyboard (HID)
- Getting Started with Raspberry Pi 3
- Node-RED with Xiaomi Yeelight RGBW Smart Bulb
- Node-RED with WS2812B Addressable RGB LED Strip
- Node-RED with Raspberry Pi Camera (Take Photos)
- ESP8266 and Node-RED with MQTT (Publish and Subscribe)
- ESP8266 Publishing DHT22 Readings with MQTT to Raspberry Pi
Other Raspberry Pi projects and tutorials
- Getting Started with Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi
- Email Alert System on Location Change with Raspberry Pi and GPS Module
- 20 Easy Raspberry Pi Projects Book
- SQLite with Node-RED and Raspberry Pi
- ESP8266 Publishing DHT22 Readings to SQLite Database
- SQLite Database on a Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi Publishing MQTT Messages to ESP8266
- Learning Basic Linux Commands β Raspberry Pi Cheat Sheet
- Raspberry Pi Web Server using Flask to Control GPIOs
- How to Install the Latest Version of Node.js in Your Raspberry Pi
- Installing Raspbian Lite, Enabling and Connecting with SSH
- How to Install Mosquitto Broker on Raspberry Pi
- Testing Mosquitto Broker and Client on Raspbbery Pi
- How to install phpLiteAdmin Database in a Raspberry Pi
Recommended book: 20 Easy Raspberry Pi Projects

The Arduino is a small computer that you can program to read information from the world around you and to send commands to the outside world. All of this is possible because you can connect several devices and components to the Arduino to do what you want. The Arduino is the best way to get started into to the world of digital electronics. To get started with Arduino enroll in our Free Arduino Mini Course.
Guides for Arduino sensors and modules
- Guide to Fingerprint Sensor Module with Arduino (FPM10A)
- Complete Guide to Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 with Arduino
- Guide to NEO-6M GPS Module with Arduino
- Guide to 1.8 TFT Display with Arduino
- Guide to SIM900 GSM GPRS Shield with Arduino
- Guide to SD Card Module with Arduino
- Guide for TCS230/TCS3200 Color Sensor with Arduino
- Guide for Relay Module with Arduino
- Guide for the Tilt Sensor (inclinometer) with Arduino
- Guide for Microphone Sound Sensor with Arduino
- Guide for 0.96 inch OLED Display with Arduino
- Guide for BMP180 Barometric Sensor with Arduino
- Guide for Real Time Clock (RTC) Module with Arduino (DS1307 and DS3231)
- Guide for WS2812B Addressable RGB LED Strip with Arduino
- Guide for DS18B20 Temperature Sensor with Arduino
- Guide for 8Γ8 Dot Matrix MAX7219 with Arduino + Pong Game
- Guide for Rain Sensor FC-37 or YL-83 with Arduino
- Guide for Soil Moisture Sensor YL-69 or HL-69 with Arduino
- Guide for MQ-2 Gas/Smoke Sensor with Arduino
- Complete Guide for RF 433MHz Transmitter/Receiver Module With Arduino
- Complete Guide for DHT11/DHT22 Humidity and Temperature Sensor With Arduino
- Complete Guide for Nokia 5110 LCD with Arduino
- Complete Guide for nRF24L01 β 2.4GHz RF Transceiver Module With Arduino
- Arduino Membrane Keypad Tutorial
- Arduino with PIR Motion Sensor
- 20 Free Guides for Arduino Modules and Sensors
- Nextion Display with Arduino β Getting Started
Projects with Android applications
- Getting Started with MIT App Inventor 2 and Arduino
- How To Use App Inventor With Arduino
- Android Apps for Arduino with MIT App Inventor 2 (8 Projects)
- Android App β RGB LED with Arduino and Bluetooth
- Arduino β Control 2 DC Motors Via Bluetooth (Perfect To Build a Robot)
- Android App that Sends a Message to Your Arduino
- Control your Arduino with Voice Commands [Android App]
- Arduino β Control DC Motor via Bluetooth
Data logging projects
- Arduino Temperature Data Logger with SD Card Module
- Arduino β Datalogger with Temperature Sensor and Photoresistor
GSM based projects
- Guide to SIM900 GSM GPRS Shield with Arduino
- Request Sensor Data via SMS using Arduino and SIM900 GSM Shield
- Control a 12V Lamp via SMS with Arduino
Home automation and web-based projects with Arduino
- Arduino Time Attendance System with RFID
- Security Access using MFRC522 RFID Reader with Arduino
- Monitor Your Door Using Magnetic Reed Switch and Arduino
- Build a Night Security Light with Arduino
- Arduino β Control 220V Lamps from Anywhere in the World
- Arduino Ethernet Web Server with Relay
- Arduino β Webserver with an Arduino + Ethernet Shield
Arduino projects for beginners
- Arduino Step-by-step Projects β Build 25 Projects
- Gesture Slider Swiper with Arduino
- Arduino β Display the LED Brightness on a LCD 16Γ2
- DIY 3Γ4 Keypad for the Arduino (includes Schematics )
- Teensy/Arduino β Memory Game
- Arduino β LED Cube 3x3x3
- Arduino β Temperature Displayed on 4 Digit 7 segment (common anode)
- Arduino β Control Servo with Visual Basic
- Arduino β Control LEDs with IR Remote Control
- Arduino β Poor Manβs Oscilloscope
- Arduino β Ultrasonic Sensor with LEDs and buzzer
Other projects
Recommended premium course: Arduino Step-by-step Projects β Build 25 Projects

Lists with interesting stuff about electronics.
- 21 Arduino Modules You Can Buy For Less Than $2
- 9 Tools That All Electronics Labs Must Have
- 20 Free Guides for Arduino Modules and Sensors
- 19 Awesome Robots You Can Build With an Arduino
- 4 Hot Glue Tricks for Your Electronics Projects
- 7 Arduino Compatible Displays for Your Electronic Projects
- 11 Clever Uses for Your Raspberry Pi
- 25 Useful Arduino Shields That You Might Need to Get
- 7 Weekend Projects/Tutorials For the ESP8266 WiFi Module
- 9 Arduino Compatible Temperature Sensors for Your Electronics Projects

Best Tools for Your Electronics Projects:
To find the best tools for your electronics projects and best equipment for your electronics workspace, visit Maker Advisor. If you’re just getting started and want to set up your own electronics workspace read our guide: How To Set Up an Electronics Lab – Tools and Equipment.
Here’s a list with reviews of the best tools for your lab:
Development boards:
- Best Raspberry Pi Starter Kits
- Best Raspberry Pi Retro Gaming Kits
- Best Raspberry Pi Zero W Kits
- Best Raspberry Pi Accessories
- ESP32 Development Boards Comparison
- ESP8266 Wi-Fi Boards Comparison
- Best Arduino Starter Kits
- Best Arduino Sensors and Modules Kits
- Top 10 Most Useful Arduino Shields
- Top 5 Arduino Books for Kids
- Best Raspberry Pi Books For Beginners
Tools and equipment:
- Best Soldering Irons for Beginners
- Best Helping Hands For Soldering
- Top 10 Soldering Accessories and Tools
- TS100 Soldering Iron Review β Best Portable Soldering Iron
- Protect Your Workbench β Soldering Mats Review
- Best Bench Power Supplies
- Best Multimeters Under $50
- ANENG AN8002 Multimeter Review β Best Low Cost Multimeter?
- Hantek DSO5102P Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) Review
- Best Hot Glue Guns
- Best Hobby 3D Printers Under $250
- Top 11 Accessories and Supplies for 3D Printers
- TEVO Michelangelo 3D Printer Review β Unboxing and First Prints
- Best Self Adjusting Wire Stripper
- Best Precision Screwdriver Sets
- Best Storage Organizers For Electronics Components
Smart Home
- Utorch PZE β 911 Smart Ceiling Light Review
- Build a Smart Home on a Budget
- Best Smart Ceiling Light: Yeelight YLXD01YL Review
- Digoo DG-TH8868 Weather Station Review
- Xiaomi Yeelight RGBW Smart Bulb Review
- Xiaomi Mijia Bedside Lamp Review (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth)
- Best SONOFF Products to Build a DIY Smart Home
Recommended reading: How To Set Up an Electronics Lab – Tools and Equipment